General Index


abhasa..................................... 575

abhidheya tattva explained.......... 74

hari-nama in ................................ 530

abhilasa See also desire

three types in bhava ..................... 525

in samanjasa purva-raga ............. 797


as cause of rati .............................. 794

assigned to para-sakti .................. 688

for attaining vraja-rasa .............. 695

in bhajana ........................................ 860

in Krsna’s pastimes ................... 842

of Goloka has tangible form

in Vraja .................................... 627

of gopis ............................................ 695

role in vraja-lila ...................... 626-27

abhiyoga ......................................................

as cause of rati .............................. 794

Absolute Truth

three tendencies towards .......... 64


as ingredients of rasa ................. 630


as highest siddhanta ..................... 438

supported by Vedas ..................... 421

taught by Mahaprabhu ............. 422


maintains all rasas at once ....... 619

dhama in material world ........... 623


determined by good qualities

and faults, ................................ 190

determined by advancement

in bhakti ......................................... 201

for performing yajnas .................... 111

for sadhana ........................................ 76

inquiry according to ................. 655

method of developing ............... 90

three broad categories of ........... 44


See mahabhava, adhirudha

Advaita Das see also Lahiri Mahasaya

debates sakta ........................... 213-29

Advaita Prabhu

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 848

advaita-siddhi ................................. 22-25


as theory of non-dualism ........ 423


see adhikara


in ekadasa-bhavas, explained ... 841

in madhurya-rasa .................... 750-51

Krsna’s, three divisions of ....... 604

of manjaris ...................................... 841


and madhurya in Vraja ...... 824-29

jivas’ destination attracted by .. 414

hidden by madhurya

in Sri Nandanandana ............ 714

Krsna desires to conceal .......... 687

ajna (specific instruction)

in ekadasa-bhavas, explained .. 843


as division in vibhava .................. 598


dasas as, in sambhrama

prita-rasa .......................... 642-44

in madhura-rasa ................... 655

in vatsalya-rasa ..................... 653

as visaya and asraya ..................... 598

in madhura-rasa ............................ 616

in sakhya-rasa ...................... 647, 648

in sambhrama prita-rasa .............. 641

Narayana as, in santa-rasa ........ 638

of madhura-rasa, summarized .. 742-43


in gaurava-priti-rasa ........... 646

Krsna as, in sambhramaprita

rasa .... ..................641-42

Krsna as, in madhura-rasa 655

Krsna as, in vatsalya-rasa...653


in madhura-rasa ...................... 753-57

Allah ..................................... 262-263


Bhagavan's form as ...................... 70

brahma as ......................................... 9

Krsna's transcendental

form as ....................................... 317

Visnu as ................................. 63, 134

Ambarisa Maharaja ..................... 467

amnaya ................................................ 300

Ananta Dasa

explains material existence . 142-71


destroyed by Vaisnavas' foot

dust ......................................... 405

four types described ................... 411

anga and angi ..................................... 311

anga and angi rasas .................... 657-59


secondary rasa may become .... 658


sri (beauty) as Bhagavan’s ......... 311


non-devotees as ......................... 180

animal sacrifice

Vaisnava conclusion on ..... 250-52


defined .......................... 47, 610, 627

qualities of ................................... 113

anubhava and udbhasvara ............ 611

as distinct from sattvika-bhava . 613

development of ......................... 753

from combination of alambana

and uddipana ........................... 758

in gaurava-priti-rasa .................... 646

in madhura-rasa ............ 655, 753-63

in mohana mahabhava ................. 784

in rudha-mahabhava ............... 781-83

in sakhya-rasa ......................... 648-49

in sambhrama prita-rasa ............. 644

in santa-rasa ................................... 639

in unmada ...................................... 796

in vatsalya-rasa .............................. 653

in vismaya-rati .............................. 626

not caused directly by bhava .... 613

of Mahaprabhu ........................... 611

of sambhoga ..................................... 812


as essential .................................. 730

anukula nayaka .......................... 690-91


word explained ......................... 449

anuraga ............................................... 779

anurasa ................................................ 661


freed by sadhu-sanga .................... 411


against nama, avoiding,

as anga of bhakti ................... 474

destroys taste for sri-nama.... ..... 531

in seva, avoiding,

as anga of bhakti ................... 474

seva and nama,

to be avoided ..................... 487


explained ..................................... 661

apeksa .................................................. 504

appropriate endeavors ............ 145-46


no separation in ....................... 809

aprakrta rasa ....................................... 861


(karma not yet bearing fruit)

destroyed by sri-nama........... ........ 529


as process in Dvapara-yuga ..... 544

explained .............................. 464-65

to be performed after diksa ..... 464

Artha-pancaka (a book from the

Sri Ramanuja Sampradaya) .... 542


determining a person’s ............... 47


of rati, explained ....................... 598

assistants of Krsna ....................... 693


as servant (kinkara) .... 693

characteristics of ......... 692

different types described ... 692-93


as svayam duti and

apta-duti ............................ 693

sidelong glance and

sound of flute as ............... 693

female, as dutis ............................. 693

five types of ............................... 692

general characteristics of ......... 692


as in vira rasa ........................ 693

characteristics of ............... 693

priya-narma-sakhas ..............................

See priya-narma-sakhas

vidusaka, characteristics of ...... 692

vita, characteristics of ............... 692

association See also sadhu-sanga

degenerate, defined ............. 227-29

determines spiritual progress ... 199

explained .................................... 485

four types to be avoided .......... 485

material, condemned .......... 227-29

of devotees,

as anga of bhakti ...................... 476


as nitya-lila ...................................... 813

attained by process of

regular hearing ....................... 860

described in detail ............... 813-34

instructions on meditation ..... 814

manifests by Krsna's mercy

and power of bhajana ............ 627

remembering and serving ....... 858


as anga of bhakti .................. 475, 490

characteristics of ....................... 466

explained .............................. 466-67

atma-ramata ........................................ 621


as aspect of madhura-rasa ......... 415

destination of jivas

attracted by ......................... 415

audarya and madhurya

destination of jivas

attracted by ......................... 415

auspicious karma

See subha-karma

two types of ............................... 406

auspiciousness (mangalya)

Krsna’s, explained ..................... 601


defined ........................................... 45

avastava (temporary object)

defined ....................................... 11-12

avidya ................................. 386, 387,452


jiva See jivas, conditioned


different types of ....................... 415


See krsna-bahirmukha


manifests nitya-mukta jivas ....... 358

beauty (sobha)

Krsna’s, explained ..................... 601

Bhadra .......................................... 803


as Veda ............................................. 307

glory of ......................................... 225

on karma, jnana and bhakti ......... 45

resolves differences between

various sastras .............................90


alone creates, maintains and

annihilates .............................. 367

always situated in svarupa .......... 331

apparent contradictions in

nature of ................................. 338

as higher than brahma ............ 69-70

as non-different from sakti ...... 328

as personal manifestation of

para-tattva ................................... 330

controlled by those who take

sadhu-sanga ............................... 404

defined ......................................... 310

described in Vedas as ocean

of rasa ................................... 339-40

faith in, defined .......................... 114

form of

as eternal ............................... 97

as transcendental ................ 70

revealed to mahajanas ........ 265

fundamental truth regarding .... 67

has independent desires ........... 328

has two types of names ............ 543

inspires sakti ................................... 332

manifests majesty & sweetness .. 262

personal appearance of,

described in Vedas ......... 338-340

qualities of, pertain to Allah ... 263


practice arising from ................... 65


gaura-lila to be remembered in . 839

instructions on gradual

cultivation of ......................... 864

reference literatures in ............ 847


achieved through sadhu-sanga ... 39

ananya, mood of ....................... 476

angas of, aim to develop attachment

to Krsna ................................. 494

as both sadhana and sadhya ..... 288

as cesta and bhava ........................ 450

as concentrated bliss ........... 452-53

as highest sadhya .......................... 288

as only means of liberation ..... 413

as prayojana for all jivas ............. 449

as rarely achieved ................. 452-53

as real, ......................................... 204

as sadhana-bhakti & prema-

bhakti ............................................ 449

as supreme yoga .............................. 116

attracts Krsna .................... 452, 454

auspicious activities

producing ........................... 407

brings auspiciousness ................ 452

causes disaster

if unauthorized ................... 481

destroys distress ..................... 451-52

different names for ..................... 65

everyone eligible for ................ 460

extrinsic characteristics of ....... 451

first three angas

as main activities in ......... 474

first twenty angas

as entrance to temple of . 474

four ingredients of ................... 598

four kinds of people perform . 459

four special qualities

included in ........................ 204


different names for ............. 65

in karma and jnana,

as abhasa .................................. 293

intrinsic characteristics listed . 449

last five angas as principal ....... 494

makes mukti insignificant . 451,453

manifested by Krsna’s

internal energy .................. 450

must follow mahajanas .............. 480

nine processes of

as present during kirtana .. 554

described ....................... 461-67

listed .................................... 463

performed in mind ............ 554

not manifested

by jiva’s own efforts ......... 450

not reached by human

intelligence ............................. 454

progressive development of ... 409

relation with bhukti

and mukti ........................ 292-94

requires higher qualification

than jnana ............................. 290

result of,

as love for Supreme ......... 450


as practise to discover

bhava .......................... 455-56

as vaidhi and raganuga.... ..... 76

characteristics of...... ... 455-56

distinguishing feature of...456

motives for .......................... 8 8

nine types of ........................ 76

performed in conditioned state….455

two kinds of ...................... 456

sastric statements

in favour of ......................... 292

second anga of, as accepting diksa

and siksa ...................................... 473

serving guru with faith

as third anga of ................... 473

six characteristics of

explained ....................... 451-54

listed ..................................... 451

sixty four angas

explained ....................... 473-95

source of eligibility for ............... 112


as the only sadhana to attain

perfection .................... 300

defined ........................ 151, 184

taking shelter of guru as first anga

of .............................................. 473

tatastha-laksana of ....................... 451

tattvika-sraddha as source

of eligibility for ........................ 112

those endowed with, not inclined

to sin ........................................ 452

three stages of ....................... 75, 455

understood through sukrti ....... 454


adhikara for ........................... 76

caused by discipline

of sastras .............................. 456

defined ................................ 456

performance gives

love of Krsna .............. 462



bhakti, prema See prema-bhakti

bhakti, semblance of

See bhakti-abhasa


chaya .................................................. 183

discussed ............................... 293-94


as offensive ......................... 183

those on level of,

chant namabhasa .................. 575


as goddess of bhakti ....................... 452

does not easily give bhakti ......... 453

Krsna fascinated

by appearance of ............... 454

mercy of, as essential ................ 461


defined .......................................... 122

bhakti-prada sukrti

as auspicious activities producing

bhakti ............................................ 407


composed of forty-one different

bhavas ............................................ 627

defined ......................................... 597

gauna, seven types of ............... 629

mukhya, five types of ............... 629


as supreme yoga .............................. 116

bhava ............................................. 524–37

arising by three types

of mercy ......................... 526-27

arising from spiritual practice . 526

as combination of samvit-vrtti and

hladini-vrtti ................................. 524

as conceivable (cintya) and

inconceivable (acintya) ....... 630

as eternally present in heart .... 455

devotee on level of,

not to be criticized ........... 864

false, defined ............................... 531

instructions on .................... 524-25

meaning of ................................. 630

natural function of ................... 525

perceived as eternal

when it manifests ............. 456

purifies and softens heart ........ 525

related to Isvara

as inconceivable ............... 630

relationship with prema ............. 525


seven divisions of... .......... 625

svarupa-laksana of ...................... 524

symptoms of ......................... 527-30

three desires in ........................... 525

two types of ................................ 526

unexpected appearance of ....... 533

unique characteristic of ............ 525


chaya (shadow) ........................... 533

explained ............................... 530-33

four types of ............................... 615

nihsattva ............................................ 615

pratibimba (reflection) ......... 532-33

symptoms do not arise

from sattva .............................. 615

two types of ................................ 532


as sthayibhava or

svarupa-siddhi ........................ 853

bhava manifests in .................... 859

stages of attaining .................... 864


acintya, as ingredients of rasa....630

as forty-one in number .... 617, 627

secondary, krsna-bhakti

possible in first six ............ 625

bhava-santi .................................. 617

bhaya-rati ............................................ 626

bheda (diplomatic remarks for

pacifying mana) ....................... 803


as entrance into the renounced

order ........................................ 166

bhrama ................................................. 306

bhukti See material enjoyment

bhut (ln Islam, as imaginary form

of Allah) ...................................... 261


as idolatry in Islam .................... 263


jiva and Paramatma

compared to ...................... 402


and prarabdha-karma .................... 110

low, as result of temporary impious

deeds ......................................... 123

blasphemy ............................. 474, 458


not studying many,

as anga of bhakti ......... 473, 486


as effulgence of Hari .................. 311

as nirvisesa manifestation

of para-tattva ............................... 330

as indivisible ............................... 357

as quality of vastu .......................... 311

cannot be in illusion ................ 357

experience of,

as limited by time .............. 267

manifested by para-sakti ............. 330

not touched by maya .................. 356

realization of

as jnana .................................. 450

as naimittika not nitya ......... 66


as first Vaisnava .......................... 242

glorifies Caitanya Mahaprabhu . 35

instructs his son Atharva ......... 302

instructs Manu .......................... 303

special qualities of .................... 698

takes shelter of Bhagavan .......... 6 9

brahma-dhama .................................. 622


See impersonal knowledge


jivas attracted by ........................ 414


position of, in Kali-yuga .... 246-47

qualities of ..................... 46, 49, 112

sastric definition of .................... 133

smarta, beliefs of ........................ 103

superiority of, as naimittika ...... 51-2

two types of ................................. 131


(theory of transformation

of brahma) ........................ 423-24


(tendency towards brahma) ...... 63


acaryas named ............................ 305

as most ancient sampradaya ..... 303

Brahma-sutra ...................................... 421

brahma-vidya ..................................... 302

brilliance (teja)

Krsna’s, explained ..................... 601





See Sacinandana Gaurahari


recited by Vaisnavas .................. 259


enquires about material

existence ................................... 141

Candidasa and Damayanti

deceived by children ................. 138

introduced ................................... 137

settle in Kuliya-grama ............... 140

Candranatha ................................... 81


as Radha’s kaya-vyuha ................. 742

defeated by Radha ..................... 707

enhances parakiya-bhava ........... 842

has mood of equality

with Radha ......................... 742

mana of, on hearing Krsna talking

in dream .................................. 801

upset by Krsna speaking Radha’s

name ........................................ 801

upset by Madhumangala talking in

dream ....................................... 801

caranamr ........................................ 107-8

caste Vaisnavas.

See Vaisnavas, descendants of


spiritual and material ............... 364

caturmasya ................................................

observing, as anga of bhakti ....... 475

causeless mana .............................. 802-3


(endeavors to achieve bhava) ... 513


everything happens by ............. 124

that sinful activities occur ....... 534



as anga of bhakti ................... 489


See bhakti-abhasa, chaya

chaya bhava-abhasa

See bhava-abhasa, chaya

Chota Haridasa

example of ......................... 168, 528

to be remembered ..................... 585

cinta (consideration)

in samanjasa purva-raga ............. 797


as anga of bhakti .................. 474, 489

circumstantial religion

See dharma, naimittika

cit potency

See cit-sakti

citra-jalpa ...................................... 785-87


as ksetrajna-pati .............................. 333

does not create jiva ...................... 358

Vedic statement about .............. 331

civilization, discussed ............. 215–17

clothing,criteria for ...................... 216

comparison, material ................... 362

compassioni ...................................... 204

conch-shell, Krsna's .................... 605

conditioned jiva ........................ 143-44

contradictory characteristics

as present in Krsna ................... 621





symptoms of ............................... 691

dana (presentation)

for pacifying mana ...................... 803

dancing before Deity, ......... 474, 489

Dandakaranya, sages of ............... 511

dandavat-pranamas ................ 474, 489

darsana ...................................... 474, 489

darsana of ceremonies and festivals

as anga of bhakti .................. 475, 490


as fundamental principles of

Mahaprabhu’s teachings ...... 299

as Veda ............................................. 307

glories of ................................ 523-24

introduced .................................. 295

Sloka 1, quoted ............................ 301

Sloka 2, quoted ........................... 310

Sloka 3, quoted ........................... 328

Sloka 4, quoted ........................... 334

Sloka 5, quoted ........................... 354

Sloka 6, quoted ........................... 377

Sloka 7, quoted ............................ 401

Sloka 8, quoted ........................... 421

Sloka 9, quoted ........................... 461

Sloka 10, quoted ......................... 461

ten ontological truths

in sutra sloka of ................ 299

dasyam ............................................... 466

dasya-rasa See prita-rasa

as prita-rasa ..................................... 640

dasas as asraya-alambana in 642-44

as limited in Vraja ..................... 840

mood in vraja-bhakti ..................... 513

dawn pastimes (nisanta-lila)

activities of ............................ 815-16

dear items

offering to Krsna, as anga

of bhakti .............................. 475, 491


devotee of Krsna has none ...... 461

degenerate association

defined ................................... 227-29


and angas of bhakti ........... 474-475,

489-90, 493

to be worshiped in transcendental

consciousness ........................ 182

transcendental form revealed ... 97


as auspicious for all .......... 269

as essential for general

people ............................. 265

conventional and

transcendental ............. 182

helped many great

devotees ........................ 269

in royal manner ................ 493

of Vaisnavas

and jnanis ................... 97-98

Vaisnava, as not idolatry...263

demigods See devatas


and potency ................................ 223

three essential types in bhava ... 525


as blissful in relation to Krsna .. 627


as essential principle ................ 209

as symptom of bhava ................... 528

follows bhava .................................. 528


as jivas .............................................. 698

as not independent

of Visnu... ................... 521, 523

as worshipable ............................ 323

avoiding disrespect of,

as anga of bhakti ................... 487

devotees’ attitude towards... ... 487


as anga of bhakti.. ................. 474

to think that they are

independent of Visnu, as

nama-aparadha ..................521, 523


as son of Lahiri Mahasaya .......... 81

meets Vaisnava dasa .................... 91

devotees of Bhagavan

as very rare ................................. 624


Krsna’s, named in Vedas .... 342-43

remains to bestow mercy upon

devotees ................................. 629

residing in,

as anga of bhakti .......... 473, 482

dharanam (fixing mind on subject)

defined ........................................ 463


as nature of object ....................... 10


displayed in association with

maya ..................................... 16

nature of discussed ................. 10-16


as changeless ......................... 16

anitya .................................................... 22

as one ............................................. 27

follows bhakti ................................... 117

meaning of,

in Bhagavad-gita (18.66) ... 410


and nitya defined and

discussed ..................... 49-54

explained ............................... 22


as one ..................................... 22

as prema .................................... 20

behavior of madhyama

Vaisnava as ..................... 184

nature of ................................ 21

vaisnava-dharma as ideal

example of ....................... 22

three categories of ....................... 22

dharma and adharma

to be abandoned on raga-

marga .......................................... 838


anukula nayaka, symptoms of . 690

qualities of ................................. 599


anukula nayaka, symptoms of .. 691

qualities of ................................. 599


qualities of ................................. 599

anukula-nayaka, symptoms of . 690


anukula-nayaka, symptoms of .. 691

qualities of ................................. 599

dhrsta nayaka

symptoms of ............................... 691

Dhruva Maharaja

as artharti ......................................... 459

dhruvanusmrti (unbroken meditation

on particular form)

defined ........................................ 463

Dhyanacandra Gosvami

as disciple of Gopala Guru Gosvami


paddhati of .................................. 663

taught by Gopala Guru Gosvami



defined ........................................ 463


and oneness

as inconceivable ................ 365

explained ....................... 362-63

as more evident than

oneness ......................... 367-68


two kinds of ............................... 126

Digambara Cattopadhyaya

introduced .................................. 210

propounds sakta

philosophy ...................... 213-29

visits Advaita Dasa ..................... 211



as second anga of bhakti ... 479

from Vaisnava guru ........................98

in pancopasana system ................ 6 4

to be accepted from

qualified guru ............................... 66

to be received from

Vaisnava guru ............................ 499

to be received in parampara ..... 303

diksa and siksa

accepting, as anga of bhakti .... 473, 479

explained ....................................... 74

direct perception ......................... 307


not accepting unqualified,

as anga of bhakti ..................... 473

renouncing desire for,

as anga of bhakti ................... 486


in devotional service,

explained ............................. 625


as more important than

non-distinction ........................ 15

distress .......................................... 452

divyon-mada .............................. 784-7

dreams ...................................... 811-12


as external ..................................... 26


established by Madhvacarya ..... 422

dualism (dvaita-vada) .................... 421

dualism-with-monism .................. 421

preached by Nimbadityacarya . 422


as non-different from Radhika .. 224

identity of explained ......... 343-44

of Gokula, as Yogamaya .......... 344

Durvasa Rsi

bestows boon on Radhika ....... 818


must be performed, 190

neglect of, as inauspicious ...... 289


do not indicate hari-bhajana .. 180

may be given up by mature

Vaisnava .................... 128-30

performance of, as inferior to

bhakti .................................. 129

ten prescribed .............. 179-80


See assistants of Krsna, dutis


preached by

Nimbadityacarya ................ 422

dvaita-vada (dualism) .................... 421

established by Madhvacarya ..... 422


attained by vaidhi-bhakti ............. 511

rasa in, as limited ...................... 694

Dvaraka queens, situation of ..... 628




example of .................................. 363


material, two types of ................. 42

of gross and subtle bodies ........... 21

pure and conditioned ......... 143-44

spiritual ........................................ 144

eight periods of the day and night

described ...................................... 814


ajna (specific instruction) ....... 843

explained in detail ................ 839-6

guna (qualities) ...................... 842-3

nama (name) .......................... 841-2

named ......................................... 839

palya-dasi-bhava ................... 844-47

parakastha-svasa (highest

aspiration) ............................. 844

rupa ................................................... 842

sambandha ................................ 840-41

seva ............................................. 843-44

vasa (residence) ......................... 843

vayasa (age) .................................. 841

yutha (group) .............................. 842



as anga of bhakti .......... 473, 482

observance of ...................... 483-84

pure, to be followed ................. 483

results of observing .................... 8 9


twenty-four ............................... 389

eleven bhavas

See ekadasa-bhavas


See adhikara


appropriate and

inappropriate ..................... 145

renouncing pretentious,

as anga of bhakti ......... 473, 486


depends on energetic source ... 223


giving up,

as anga of bhakti ......... 473, 486

material See material enjoyment

enmity .......................................... 188

evening pastimes .......................... 831

evidence (see pramana) ............... 305


of fire ........................................... 333

of gold and bangle ..................... 363

of ice ............................................ 364

of milk ......................................... 362

of musk ........................................ 333

of reflection ................................ 614

of sky and space in pot ............ 363

of sugar cane .............................. 773

of two birds in one tree .......... 402

of water and ice ............................ 11


as helpful but incomplete 362, 626

help to understand transcendental

reality ...................................... 364

never adequate ............................. 13

material objects as ..................... 363

exclusive monism ......................... 421

expressing one’s mind

as anga of bhakti ............................ 489

external renunciation

See markata-vairagya




See also sraddha

depends on eligibility ................. 91

in Bhagavan, defined ................. 114

symptoms of ............................... 410

fall of jiva ........................................... 378

reason for .............................. 378-82

as not in material time ............... 16

no point in debating ............... 248

false ego

four kinds of, ........................ 181-82


eighteen types of ........................ 601

female bhava

in Vraja ........................................ 510


celebrating,as anga

of bhakti ............................. 475, 492


example of .................................. 333

five angas of bhakti

as best of all ............................... 494

five-fold devotional service as most

important limbs of bhakti ....... 476

five stages of advancement ........ 853

flutes, Krsna’s

as prominent uddipana .............. 752

mana pacified by ....................... 804

three kinds of ............................ 604

following (as anukarana) .............. 513

forenoon pastimes

described ................................ 820-21

forgetting Krsna

as basic prohibition ................... 457


included in bhakti ........................ 204

situated between humility and

compassion ........................... 204


in ekadasa-bhavas, explained .. 842

limitations of,

as only material .................. 316

original, nature of ..................... 375

friends, Krsna’s ..................................

See sakhas, Krsna’s


as anga of bhakti .................. 475, 490




as arta ............................................... 459

ganas (groups of sakhis)

explained ...................................... 713

of prominent sakhis ..................... 732


in same category as Brahma .... 698

Garuda Purana

quoted ................................. 545, 549

Gaudiya mahantas

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 849

gauna ................................................... 196

gauna bhakti-rasa (secondary rasa) ....

See bhakti-rasa, gauna


See bhava, secondary


as secondary ................................ 543


See rasa, secondary

gauna sambhoga .......................................

See sambhoga, gauna

gauna-vrtti ........................................... 319

Gaura and Krsna

as simultaneously one

and different .......................... 416


See Sacinandana Gaurahari


to be remembered in bhajana .. 839

gaurava (regarding Krsna as superior)

word defined ............................. 646

gaurava prita-rasa a, gaurava


as vraja-gopi ............................. 698-99


bhukti, mukti and bhakti as ........ 285


gratitude to, inspires worship 269-



as non-different

from Goloka ............. 687, 689

gold and bangle

example of .................................. 363


as above Vaikuntha ................... 622

as non-different

from Gokula ............. 687, 689

as self-manifesting .................... 629

darsana of, eligibility for ..... 623-25

Krsna reveals to gopas ............... 624

lila of, in Vraja ........................... 628

Gopala Bhatta

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 849

Gopala Guru Gosvami

appearance of described .......... 609

as disciple of Sri Vakresvara

Pandita ................................... 594

as Svarupa Gosvami's

representative ....................... 594


as essential to krsna-bhajana .... 694

characteristics of ................... 694-6

explained .................................... 896

Gopinath Acarya ................................. 94


husbands of,

as manifestations of bhavas in

Goloka .......................... 695

nitya-priya, names of .............. 701-2

not actually married to other

gopas ............................................ 695

parodha abhimana (paramour

conception) as dharma of ... 695

prevented from attending

rasa-lila ......................................... 511


ayauthiki, two types of ..... 697

devis ......................................... 698

nitya-priya .......................... 700-3

pradhana .................................. 702

Radha and Candravali as

prominent ................... 700

sadhana-para, two types of697

three types of .................... 696

yauthiki .................................... 697

Goracanda Dasa Pandita Babaji

speaks on Islam

and vaisnava-dharma ..... 259-71

Gora-hrada ..................................... 79

gotraskhalana ..................................... 801


apeksa (desire for vraja-seva),

as symptom of ................... 504

as only principle in ragatmika-

bhakti ............................................ 504

awakens after hearing about vrajalila

.................................................. 853

desire for vraja-seva,

as symptom of ................... 504

for raganuga-bhakti

as supremely rare ............... 506


as faith imbued with ........ 504


as krsna-bhajana with ........ 855

rati arises from ........................... 769

symptoms of ........................... 504-5

yearning as symptom of ........... 505


defined .......................................... 153

does not live like

materialist ...................... 154-61

in society ............................... 162-63

life of ....................................... 153-63

on practicing suddha bhakti .... 162

should not wear

renunciant’s dress .............. 170

two kinds ................................. 8,170

gross body

as necessary for work ................ 385

as second covering of spiritual

form ...................................... 369

constituents of .......................... 389

identification with ....................... 21

transformations and hardships

of .............................................. 383

transmigration and .................. 368


in ekadasa-bhavas, explained .. 842

guna(s) (modes of material nature )

activity in as gauna,.............. 196

and sastra ...........................................90

as ropes binding conditioned souls 143

worship of brahmanas in .......... 343

guna(s) (qualities)

in ekadasa-bhavas, explained..842-3

guna-kirtana (glorification of nayaka’s


in samanjasa purva-raga ............ 798



circumstances for ........ 478-79

as personification

of vraja-vasi ............................. 515

as Vaisnava of whom one takes

shelter ...................................... 410

attitude towards qualified and

unqualified .............................. 6 6

bestows mercy on disciple ....... 478

choosing ...................................... 477

devatas as ..................................... 324

diksa and siksa ............................... 478


as nama-aparadha ............... 488

faith in, described ..................... 480


consequences of

following ....................... 479

result of accepting mantras

from .............................. 479

to be abandoned ............... 479

gives diksa ..........................................98

gives initiation into renounced

order with criteria ......... 167-168

gives order and qualification...856

hearing from .............................. 462

humble prayers to ..................... 856

identity of, in Vraja .................. 856

importance of para-bhakti for ... 133

importance of residing with ........ 7

knowledge of bhagavata-vastu

from ......................................... 477

Mahadeva, as supreme ............. 430

minimizing position of,

as nama-aparadha ................. 521

necessary to attain Bhagavan ... 121

qualification of ..................... 8, 477

qualities of .................................. 477

serving faithfully,

as anga of bhakti ......... 473, 480

Sri Sacinandana

as krsna-prestha .................... 839

taking shelter of, as first anga of

bhakti ..................... 473, 476-77

Vaisnava, taking shelter of ......... 74




as peace of mind ........................ 227

harassment ........................... 474, 487


as ocean of mellows ................. 300

as parama-tattva ............................ 300

as Radha-Krsna ........................... 311

as sarva-saktiman ......................... 300

manifestations of ....................... 310

Vedic evidence that Krsna is .. 313-15


different names for ..................... 65

Haridasa Babaji

speaks on

Vaisnava behavior ........ 178-93

Harihara Bhattacarya

introduced .................................. 233


as auspicious ............................... 471


See also holy name

as best anga of bhakti .................... 551

as cintamani .................................... 552

as foremost anga of bhakti ......... 543

as jiva’s only friend ................... 544

as means and goal ...................... 529

as more beneficial

than studying the Vedas ... 547

as more merciful than Bhagavan’s

svarupa ......................................... 556

as non-different from Krsna .. 552

as not imaginary ........................ 528

as personified knowledge ......... 525

as sadhana and sadhya ................. 555

as superior to visiting holy

places ....................................... 547

as the only sadhana necessary . 586

as the only way .......................... 544

as vastu .............................................. 528

burns sins to ashes ..................... 527

cannot be chanted with material

senses ....................................... 552

chanting, gives spiritual

realization .............................. 360

congregational chanting of,

as anga of bhakti ................... 476

controls Bhagavan ..................... 550

destroys all kinds of sins .......... 527

destroys more sins than one can

commit .................................... 527

destroys prarabdha and aprarabdhakarma

............................................ 529

destroys prarabdha-karma ........... 529

frees one from sins .................... 545

gives bhakti ...................................... 546

gives bliss to the whole world 548

gives mukti ................................ 549-50

glories of ....................................... 123

as life and soul of srutis.....526

not exaggerated ................. 526

not to be instructed to the

faithless ................. 522, 530


for chanting .............. 30-31, 77

invested with all good

qualities .............................. 548

may be performed under

any circumstances ............. 549

meaning of ................................. 494

no prohibitions

for performing ................... 555

not a form of letters ................. 553

not to be given to

unqualified people ............ 205

offenses against

as most frightening sin .... 525

instructions on ............. 519-32

one who chants, as not inclined to

pious activities ....................... 529

performance of, as universally

purifying ................................. 545

potency of chanting ............. 110-11

primary ........................................ 544

pure See suddha-nama

purpose of keeping count ........ 554

sadhana of .............................. 553-54

satisfies Visnu ............................. 550

saves one from hell/Kali ........... 546

semblance of

See namabhasa

shadow of, as superior

to sat-karma .............................. 547

takes away all distress ............... 545

takes jivas to Vaikuntha ........... 550

taste for, destroyed by aparadha . 531

to be chanted at all times ........ 209

to be chanted on tulasi-mala ... 554

to be practiced in sadhu-sanga 578

wearing letters of, as anga of

bhakti ............................................ 474

yields all good results ................ 547

hari-nama-kirtana ....................... 554-55

hari-vasara (pure Ekadasi)

explained .................................... 483

hasya-rati (laughter)

symptoms of ............................... 625


as anga of bhakti .................. 475, 490

in purva-raga, three different

kinds of .................................. 794

mana arising from .................... 800

ruci for, as symptom of bhava .. 529


action of in udbhasvaras ............. 611

sees spiritual form when

purified ................................... 266

hero See nayaka


as enabling one to taste ........... 524

holy name

See also hari-nama

glories of, not exaggeration ..... 527

topmost, expresses highest degree

of wonder ............................... 261

wearing letters of, as anga

of bhakti ...................................... 488

holy places See dhamas


desire for, to be given up ........ 195


as symptom of bhava ................... 529

householder devotee

See grhastha

household life

eligibility for renunciation

of ......................................... 163-64

false renunciation of,

as abominable ............ 166-169

premature renunciation of,

as dangerous ....................... 164

human beings

all have right to practice bhakti ... 109

have three types of

consciousnes .......................... 391

two tendencies of ................ 163-64

two kinds of ........................... 89,95

two kinds of activities ............... 112

humility ........................................ 204



‘I’ and ‘mine’ ..................... 42, 144-45


example of ................................. 364

idolatry ......................................... 263


as ignorance of spiritual

identity ................................ 452

ignorant people

defined ......................................... 186

misconceptions of ..................... 187


cannot be independent entity 357

philosophy of, as false ............... 421


fall down ..................................... 414

impersonal knowledge

does not purify .......................... 868

impressions See samskaras

inappropriate endeavors

explained ............................... 145-46


source of ....................................... 221

inconceivable difference and nondifference

taught by Caitanya

Mahaprabhu ........................... 422


as sign of Bhagavan’s mercy ..... 379

necessity for .......................... 381-82

of jivas ............................................... 378


mana arising from .................. 800-1


about sad-dharma, as anga

of bhakti ....................................... 481

as anga of bhakti ............................. 473


two types of ......................... 739-40


creation of ................................. 388

material, cannot touch suddha-

sattva ............................................. 316

pacifying mana by .................... 804

irregular hearing

as unmethodical ........................ 854


as only real paramarthikas ............ 96


Islamic term meaning love in

worldly sense ............................ 28

Islamic teachings

compared with Vaisnava

teachings .......................... 99-100


and jivas

difference between ..... 365-67

oneness of .......................... 365

arranges karma ....................... 389-90

as master of maya ......................... 354

bhava related to,

as inconceivable ............... 630


philosophy of many, as false.... 367




sakti (material energy)

function of ................................. 223

jadata (inertia)

in praudha purva-raga ................. 796

Jagadananda Pandita

instructions of, on bhakti ......... 586

jagarana (sleeplessness)

in praudha purva-raga ................. 796


as constitutional function of the

living entities .......................... 6 6

as spiritual function .................... 30

defined ........................................... 27

importance of ........................... 870

vaisnava-dharma as pure form of28

vaisnava-dharma as ........... 169, 239


celebrating, as anga of bhakti .... 475

japa and mantras


as anga of bhakti ......... 474, 489


activates the gross and subtle

bodies ..................................... 388

and Isvara

difference between ..... 365-67

oneness of ........................... 365

and Krsna

compared ............................... 14

distinction ............................ 20

appearance of, from Karanabdhisayi

Maha Visnu ............................ 378

from Sri Baladeva Prabhu 377

from Sri Sankarsana ......... 377

as atom in ray of Krsna’s

svarupa ......................................... 363

as bound by avidya ....................... 387

as conscious of whole body .... 389

as constitutionally incomplete 372

as different and non-different from

Sri Hari .................................... 354

as different and non-different from

Krsna .......................................... 15

as distinct from Krsna .............. 363

as distinct parts of Bhagavan ..... 12

as eternal ............................. 287, 359

as eternal servants of Krsna .... 13, 367

as instrumental cause .............. 389

as ksetrajna

(knower of the field) ......... 331

as liberated by vidya .................... 387

as marginal .................................... 72

as never one with Krsna .......... 367

as not nitya-siddha ....................... 358

as not separate from Krsna ...... 363

as separated parts and parcels of Sri

Hari ......................................... 300

as subject to control of maya... 354

as unborn .................................... 329

as weak .......................................... 371

beginning of

material existence .............. 145

cannot attain all powers of

Bhagavan ......................... 366-67

cannot be annihilated .............. 287

compared to

particles of light ................. 355

sparks in fire ....................... 354


as covered by maya ............ 300

as misra-sattva ....................... 618

five types of .................. 390-91

four faults of ...................... 307

karma of ......................... 383-85

manifested by

Maha-Visnu ................ 359

two types of .......................... 72

varieties of material attachment

of ........................... 43

consciousness of

completely covered .......... 390

developed ............................ 391

fully developed ................... 391

partially covered ............... 390

slightly blossoming ............ 391

created only by cit potency ...... 356

dharma of, as eternal ................... 19

enter world through

doorways of senses ............ 154

eternal form of .......................... 368

eternal nature of ....................... 368

eternally liberated

characteristics of ................ 377

two types of ........................ 415

explained ..................................... 225

fall of ............................................ 378

reason for ...................... 378-82

as not in material time ....... 16

no point in debating ....... 248

first location of,

on boundary line ............... 145

independence of ........................ 378

influence of svarupa-sakti on .. 336

in marginal position,

see both material and spiritual

worlds ............................ 357

in maya,

two categories of ................. 151


as eternal dharma of ............ 14

language cannot describe creation

of ................................................ 29


and conditioned ................ 143

as free from maya ............... 300

different types of ............... 415

have no connection with

matter ................................ 20

two types of ........................ 143

manifestation of

from jiva-sakti ....................... 358

from marginal potency .... 355

marginal, some drawn to spiritual

world ....................................... 145

marginal position of ................. 355

may become sadhana-siddha

sakhi ........................................... 511

may become sadhana-siddha .... 358

may be covered by maya ........... 356

may either worship or

renounce prakrti ................... 329

prema as nitya-dharma of ........... 20

prema as sva-dharma of ................ 21

purified by suffering ................ 380

receive spiritual strength .......... 378

relationship with Hari ............. 869

relationship with matter ............. 14

sometimes controlled by maya... 15

suffering of, reason for ............. 379

true nature of,

revealed in heart ................... 13

turns to Krsna ...................... 149-50

two types of .............................. 360

Jiva Gosvami

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 848


as Krsna’s incomplete

potency ................................ 358

as only source of jivas ................. 359

as rays of Krsna’s svarupa ........... 363

statement about, in Vedas ........ 329


explained .................................. 72-73


as effulgence of fame ................. 311

as superior to karma .................... 290

cannot reveal svarupa ................. 619

does not produce bhakti ............ 408

may be antagonistic to bhakti ... 451

jnana and vairagya

not angas of bhakti ...................... 494

jnana and vijnana

distinction between .................. 220

jnana-karma ady anavrtata

as tatastha-laksana of bhakti ........ 451


as not pure devotional service .. 450

mukti as aim of .......................... 450

jugupsa-rati (disgust)

symptoms of .............................. 626




age, duration of ............... 604


saktas’ worship of ........................ 212


as desire for own happiness ...... 771

as desire for sambhoga with

Krsna ...................................... 508

as prema with desire for

sambhoga ...................................... 512

as supreme when based on

prema ............................................ 512

distinguished from prema.....512, 771

material, as contemptible ........ 508

of gopis

as incomparable,

transcendental prema .... 508

of Kubja, as only rati .................. 508

kamanuga ........................................... 509

kamanuga sadhakas

prevented from attending

rasa-lila ........................................ 511


only found in Vraja .................. 508

svarupa of ................................... 508

two types of ............................... 509

kamya-karma .................................. 46

Karanodakasayi Visnu

as origin of conditioned souls ... 313


as beginningless ........................ 386

as not eternal .............................. 49

cannot reveal svarupa ................. 619

cause of eligibility for ................. 112

different aspects described.. 46-47

does not produce bhakti ............ 408

explained ...................................... 46

may be antagonistic to bhakti ... 451


defined .................................. 46

krsna-prema as ...................... 50

obligatory daily rites as ...... 46

performance of

to avoid suffering .......... 384-5

to gain sense pleasure ... 383-4

relationship with its fruits .... 385-6

karma and jnana

bhakti in, as bhaktiyabhasa ........... 293

practice of, must include

bhaktiyabhasa .............................. 293


as not pure devotional service 450

sense gratification as aim of ... 450

karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, and bhakti-yoga

as forming single yoga

system ............................ 45, 116



as anga of bhakti .......... 475, 492


vipralambha in, as pravasa ......... 806

kaumara age, duration of ............ 604


meets Vaisnavas ........................... 9 8


explained ....................... 96, 462-63

klesa-ghni ............................................ 452


as paramarthika and laukika ....... 218

as pure knowledge and material

knowledge .............................. 220

material, not related to

nitya-dharma ............................... 221

pure, gives awareness

of svarupa ................................... 224

krama-hina sravana-dasa

See irregular hearing

krama-suddha sravana-dasa

See systematic cultivation of hearing


symptoms of .............................. 626


and jivas

distinction explained ......... 14

distinction ............................ 20

oneness explained ............... 14

appearance of

as Baladeva in jiva-sakti ..... 358

as Visnu forms

in maya-sakti .................... 358

in original svarupa

in cit-sakti .......................... 358

as aim of all spiritual

activities ............................. 450

as always rasika .............................. 334

as Bhagavan ................................. 315

as bhakta-vatsalya ........................... 318

as eka-rasa and aneka-rasa ........ 788

as husband (pati) and paramour

(upapati) .................................. 620

as independent ......................... 687

as omnipotent and

self-willed ............................ 861

as real .......................................... 204

as sole purifier of sadhana ........ 628

as sometimes asraya of rati ....... 598

as two-armed before Radha ..... 714

as visaya-alambana in

sambhrama-prita rasa ... 641-42

madhura-rasa ......................... 655

vatsalya-rasa ........................... 653

as visaya of rati ............................. 598

attained by six principles ........ 506

attracted by bhakti ....................... 454

attributes as non-different from

Himself .................................... 523

body of

as transcendental ............. 600

body of

as completely spiritual ....... 317

can manifest in

material world .................... 318

contemplating His names, forms

etc., as anga of bhakti .... 475, 491

contradictory qualities

in ................................... 338, 600

descent of, benefits all ............. 319

desires to conceal aisvarya and

manifest madhurya................. 687

dreams of ..................................... 801

eight extra qualities of .............. 601

establishing sambandha with .. 840

form of

as eternal ............................... 70


discussed ....................... 318

four types of nayaka

present in ............................ 619

gives darsana to devotees ......... 319

gopis' abuse of, in mana ......... 804-5

gopis' loving names for ............. 813

His nature to perform pastimes 379

in relation to aspects of

svarupa-sakti ........................... 335

known only by svarupa-sakti.. .. 524

love for, as the only sadhya ...... 300

manifests different svarupas .... 358

manifests krsna-lila

in this world ....................... 861

manliness of ............................... 601


as best name ....................... 553

as Krsna Himself ................ 552

as more merciful than svarupa


equal to three names of Rama


equal to three thousand names

of Visnu ......................... 553

not known by jiva’s mental

faculty ...................................... 524

observance of birthday ............ 492

offering dear items to,

as anga of bhakti .......... 475, 491

pastimes of, in Vedas ............ 319-20

performing activities for His sake as

anga of bhakti ................... 475, 491

qualities of ............................ 320-23

relationship of, with three aspects

of svarupa-sakti ................... 334-35

reveals Goloka to gopas ............ 624

senses of, as not material ......... 328

sweet form of, as visaya of madhurarasa

.......................................... 616-17

takes birth among devas ........... 698

three divisions of His age ........ 604

two special qualities of ............. 861

various glorious aspects of ...... 340

vigraha of ...................................... 317

Krsna and Gaura

as both one and different ........ 416

relationship of ............................. 315

krsna-bahirmukha .............................. 179

krsna-bhakti See bhakti

Krsna Cudamani

debates with Vaisnava dasa 107-34


in aversion, and with ruci ....... 854

to be heard from advanced devotee . 853


as incomprehensible ................. 861

as manifest and unmanifest

pastimes ................................. 809


more merciful than

krsna-svarupa ......................... 556


glorious nature of ...................... 837

krsna-unmukha (attentive

to Krsna) ..................................... 179


qualities of ............................ 48, 113

kubhava (bhava with desire

for bhoga or moksa) ..................... 531


qualification of .......................... 714

rati of, as sadharana ............. 715, 770

Kumaras, as jnanis ........................... 459





accepts Vaisnava dasa as guru ..... 55

afraid of snake .............................. 61

as eligible for vaidhi-bhakti .......... 76

asks about brahmana karma and

vaisnava-dharma .........................40

asks about nitya-dharma and

vaisnava-dharma ......................... 63

becomes Advaita Dasa .............. 210

becomes Vaisnava ........................ 78

introduced .................................... 39

meets Devidasa and

Sambhunatha .................... 84-91

moves to Pradyumna-kunja ...... 57


in praudha purva-raga ................. 796


as guide in service ..................... 842

characteristics of members

of her gana ............................. 732

enchanted by Radha’s bhava .... 702

gana (group) of ........................... 702

mood of manjaris towards ....... 845


giving up, as anga of bhakti ....... 474

relief from .................................. 486


as conditioned by maya ............. 359

liberated jivas / souls

See jivas, liberated


from maya, symptoms of .... 403-4


Krsna’s, different experiences on

hearing ................................... 364

lila-vilasa ............................................. 813

livelihood ..................................... 483

lobha See greed


cannot encompass bhakti .......... 309

does not establish faith in

form of Krsna .................... 617

has no access to inconceivable

matters .................................... 301

material, carries no weight ...... 454

Vedic evidence regarding ......... 310


as symptom of bhava ................... 529


in purva-raga .......................... 798-99




(stage of mahabhava)

See mahabhava, madana


as vidusaka ...................................... 693

dream of ...................................... 801


alambana of ................................. 616

anubhava ..................................... 753-63

ornaments (alankaras) .753-57

symptoms (udbhasvara) .... 757

three types of ..................... 753

twenty-two alankaras ... 753-57

verbal ............................. 757-58

as completely pure ..................... 615

as primary rasa .............................. 654

as vipralambha and

sambhoga ................................. 655

candidates for, as very rare ..... 654

as superior to other rasas ........... 614

compared to material rasa .. 613-16

different states of ............... 788-89

forty-one bhavas in .................... 779


as sthayibhava of ................. 767

meeting of Krsna and gopis,

as alambana of .................... 616

sancari-bhavas in .................... 759-3

sattvika-bhavas ......................... 758-9

examples of as distinctive .. 758

two aspects of ............................ 415

udbhasvara in .............................. 757

uddipana .................................... 749-53

unique features of vyabhicari-

bhavas in ......................... 759-60


as sthayibhava of madhura-rasa .. 767

madhurya .......................... 415, 601, 687


as acarya in Brahma-sampradaya .. 303

established dvaita-vada ............... 422

madhyahna lila

described ................................ 821-29

last for six muhurtas .................... 814


See Vaisnava, madhyama

madiyatva (possessiveness)

See rati, possessiveness in

magnanimity (audarya) .................. 415


adhirudha .................................. 783-88

as rudha and adhirudha ............... 781

defined ........................................ 780

described and explained ... 779-88

madana ............................................. 787

mohana, anubhavas in ............... 784

only attained by samartha-rati . 781

only in vraja-devis headed

by Radha .................................. 781

rudha ........................................... 781-83

udghurna, defined and

described ............................. 785


creation of .................................. 387

Mahadeva See Siva


path of, to be followed .... 105, 480


glories of ................................. 126-27


not to be criticized .................... 534


created from maya ....................... 387

maha-vakya(s) ................................... 5

pranava (om), as the only ........ 290

discussed ...................................... 291


manifests baddha-jivas ................ 359

mahisi-bhava .................................. 511-12


Radhika’s, mood of ................... 815

male bhava

in Vraja ........................................ 510


absent in santa-rasa .................... 639

as attachment to things connected

to the body ............................ 490

in nama-smarana ......................... 859

in sambhrama prita-rasa ............. 645


arising from nayaka’s partiality

towards rivals ................... 800-31

as type of vipralambha ................ 794

definition of .............................. 798

illuminates intensity of prema ... 800

nirhetu (causeless), defined and

explained ............................ 802-3

pacification of ........................... 804

pranaya as basis of ..................... 798

sahetu (with cause), described and

explained ........................ 798-801

sancari-bhavas in ....................... 798

two types of ............................... 798

varieties of ............................. 776-77


as reference literature

in bhajana .............................. 847


age of ............................................ 841

dealings of, with others ..... 845-47

mood of ....................................... 815

mood of seva of ................... 843-44


and nama ................................. 464-65

to be received from Vaisnava

guru ............................................. 499


concept of, explained ............... 355

marginal condition

jiva in, as very weak ................... 378

marginal nature

explained ............................... 355-56

marginal position

as junction of spiritual and material

worlds ...................................... 378

marginal potency See tatastha-sakti


condemned ................................... 27

material association

condemned ........................... 227-29

material body

six transformations of .............. 383

material elements

creation of .................................. 387

material enjoyment

as final goal in chain

of karma ................................. 288

as foreign to jiva’s nature ........ 288

as non-eternal ............................ 120

different varieties of .......... 285-86

material existence

beginning point of .................... 145

material knowledge

as temporary and imperfect ..... 220

not related to nitya-dharma ....... 221

material objects

cannot help to attain

transcendence ...................... 268

material philosophy

as deceptive ............................... 868

material world

as like jail ..................................... 382

as real, not false ......................... 145


glories of ..................................... 492

residing in ............................ 475, 492


as non-different from Goloka .. 622


as perverted transformation

of cit ........................................ 364

created from pradhana ................ 387

worship of,

no sastric provision for ... 264


as energy of Bhagavan ................. 12

as jailer ......................................... 382

as Krsna’s maidservant ............. 382

as shadow of svarupa-sakti ........ 332

as transformation

of svarupa-sakti ..................... 382

of Yogamaya .......................... 344

helps jiva to come to Krsna ...... 343

not involved in creating jiva ... 358


bahirmukha jiva ..................... 343

rebellious jivas ...................... 377

svarupa-sakti as pure form of .... 343

variety of, as reflection of spiritual

variety ...................................... 333

word defined ............................. 366


as most important

holy place ........................... 482

as non-different

from Mathura .................... 492

from Vrndavana317, 446, 483

glories of ...............446-47, 482, 521


action of svarupa-sakti on ........ 336

as pradhana ....................................... 331

as shadow of svarupa-sakti ........ 332

as siva-sakti .................................. 343

binds jiva ...................... 143, 148, 329

maya-tattva ............................................ 73

Mayavada doctrine

as covered form of Buddhism .... 248

as debased doctrine ..................... 25

as false doctrine preached by

Mahadeva as

Sankaracarya ................ 430-31

as insignificant ............................. 26

as offensive ................................. 188

as opposed to bhakti ..................... 422

as opposed to Vedas, Vedanta, and

Gita .............................................. 248

as useless for understanding

prema ............................................. 26

brahma without potency as

imaginary feature of ............. 330

contamination with, destroys

innocence .............................. 186

explained in detail .............. 428-29

gives rise to pseudo vaisnava-

dharma ........................................ 240

most people take shelter of ...... 303

not found in Vedas .................... 429

on nature of jiva ................... 356-58

Sankaracarya’s vivarta-vada as .. 422

Sankaracarya established on

Bhagavan’s order ........... 235, 431

suddha-bhakti only possible in

absence of .............................. 197

teaches that Deity is imaginary

icon ......................................... 188

Vedic evidence against ........ 431-35


as offenders ................ 145, 152, 871

as prone to self-annihilation .. 189

as vaisnavaparadhis ....................... 576

concept of advaita-siddhi different

from prema ............................. 25-26

sanga destroys bhakti .................... 581


as anga of bhakti .................. 475, 490

as process for Satya-yuga ......... 544

as spiritual when mind is

purified ....................................... 71


anticipating Krsna’s,

as anga of bhakti ......... 474, 490

Gurudeva’s, as all-in-all ............ 730

Krsna reveals Himself by .. 341–42

Lord’s, as only means for

liberation ................................ 413


See assistants of Krsna, dutis

midday pastimes

described ................................ 821-29


example of .................................. 362


philosophy refuted .............. 385-86


as influenced by time & space .. 267

as material element .......... 225, 389

as part of subtle body ..... 286, 389

as subtle element ....................... 370

Bhagavan’s transcendental form

reflected in ............................... 97

bhakti performed through endeavors

of ....................................... 449-50

brahmana controls ............... 48, 112

cannot touch transcendental

truth ...................................... 360

captivated by Krsna’s extraordinary

beauty ...................................... 320

control of,

as religious principle ......... 179

creates a false world .................. 370

detached from sense objects by

regulated devotional service .. 464

ego (abhimana) of knowledge

inherent in .............................. 371

falsely identified as the self ...... 164

five kinds of smaranam and ... 463

follows matter ............................ 267

inward tendency and ................ 164

misery and happiness,

as conditions of ................ 380

purified by bhakti ............................. 71

service within, while chanting

nama ................................................ 77

to be dedicated to Krsna .......... 291

trained by sadhana-bhakti to become

Krsna conscious ................... 456


sense of, in spiritual world ...... 144

miserly behavior .................... 474, 486

misra-sattva (mixed existence) .... 618

modes of material nature

as shackles ............................. 382-83

worship in .......................... 329, 343

modification (vikara)

explained ..................................... 423

moha (unconsciousness) ............. 797


See mahabhava, adhirudha, mohana


accepting minimum,

as anga of bhakti .................... 473

not to be accepted from

materialists ........................... 209

morning pastimes .................... 816-17

mrtyu (longing for death) ........... 797

mukhya bhakti-rasa

See bhakti-rasa, mukhya


always in spiritual world .......... 544

as one with svarupa

of Bhagavan ....................... 544

as primary .................................... 543


See rasa, primary

mukhya-rati .................................. 622-24

mukhya-vrtti (literal sense

of words) ..................................... 319


See jivas, liberated

mukti ..................................................... 92

as causal and temporary ...... 120-21

ascetics in santa-rasa still have desire

for ........................................... 638

as false without bhakti ................. 372

as final goal in chain of jnana 288

as foreign to jiva’s nature ........ 288

as not eternal ............................. 120

as secondary result of bhakti ...... 121

association with those who desire,

to be avoided .......................... 533

bhakti as only means of ............. 413

cannot be final attainment .... 288

defined and explained ......... 402-3

desire for, as anyabhilasa ............. 577

desire for may cause bhava-

abhasa ........................................ 531-2

five kinds of .............................. 459

four types of sadhana for .......... 287

from namabhasa ............................. 581

gained by taking sri-nama

neglectfully ........................... 580

gained by uttering Krsna’s name

only once ............................... 580

gained by uttering Krsna’s names

jokingly .................................. 580

given by Mukunda .................... 579

Lord’s mercy as only means of 413

pure Muslim conception of ...... 9 9

ratyabhasa occurs in those who

desire ....................................... 615

rejected by devotees of Krsna 459

Sankara’s view opposed to

Vedas ............................................ 93

seven dhamas that give ............ 482

svarupatah jada and

vastutah jada .............................40

those who seek, mentality of .. 287

through knowledge of

Krsna and jivas ............................... 151

Vedic statements

in favour of .................. 288-90

Mullah Sahib

enquires about Islamic teachings

and vaisnava-dharma ......... 259-71

introduced .................................. 259


defined broadly ..................... 151-52

seeks spiritual identity ............... 151


see also audarya

Krsna’s, explained ..................... 601


taking birth

as gopis in Vraja ................. 697


as uddipana ............................ 644, 752

in madhura-rasa ................... 655

described ..................................... 604

mana pacified by ....................... 804

murti, See Deity


example of .................................. 333


as eligible to perform bhakti ...... 109

perform duties in varnasrama .. 108-9

have opportunity to attain

paramartha .................................. 126




example of .................................. 363

naimittika and nitya dharma

defined and discussed .......... 49-54


displayed in association with

maya ................................................ 16

explained ....................................... 22

inferior qualities of ............... 52-54


defined ........................................... 47

naimittika-lilas .................................... 813

Naiyayika Cudamani

decides to kill Vrajanatha ......... 276


as life and soul of mantra ......... 464

in ekadasa-bhavas, explained .... 841-3


as most frightening sin ............. 519

as most sinful ............................. 582

as nama with great obstacles .... 521

as very difficult to destroy ....... 520

avoiding, as anga of bhakti 474, 487


devotee, as .................. 521, 523

Vedic literatures, as ... 522, 526

defined ......................................... 578

destroyed by sri-nama ................. 529

freedom from, by constant

chanting .................................. 582

from association of non-

devotees .................................. 583

instructing glories of sri-nama to

faithless, as ..................... 522, 530

instructions on ..................... 519-32

maintaining material

attachment, as ................ 522,531

minimizing position

of nama-guru, as ........... 521, 524

pratibimba bhava-abhasa as ........ 533

results of ...................................... 582

sinning deliberately as .............. 529

sinning on strength of

chanting, as ................... 522, 528

taking glories of sri-nama as

exaggeration, as ............. 522, 527

taking sri-nama as

imaginary, as .................. 522, 528

ten types of

analyzed .......................... 521-31

listed ................................ 521-22

thinking devas independent of

Visnu, as .......................... 521, 523

thinking Krsna’s attributes different

from Himself, as .................... 523

thinking pious activity equal to srinama,

as ..........................522, 530


association of, to be given up ..... 579

gradual advancement of .......... 583


as nama with

ordinary obstacles ............... 521

as semblance of sri-nama ........... 575

chanted by vaisnava-abhasa ....... 576

defined ......................................... 577

disrespectful, explained ........... 580

does not give prema .................... 581

four kinds of ........................ 579-81

gives fruit after long time ......... 521

hela, explained ........................... 580

indicating, explained ................ 579

instructions on ..................... 575-81

joking, explained ...................... 580

neglectful, explained ............... 580

parihasa, explained .................... 580

potency of, explained ............... 529

results of ...................................... 581

sanketya, explained .................... 579

stobha, explained ....................... 580


minimizing position of, as namaaparadha

.............................. 521, 524

namaskara .......................................... 465


instructions for ......................... 859


in ekadasa-bhavas, explained 841-42

Nanda Maharaja

mood of ........................................ 513


amazed by Vedantic parrots ..... 661


as Krsna’s opulent manifestation in

Vaikuntha ............................... 314

as same as Krsna in tattva ......... 459

five special qualities of ............. 322

nati (humble submission)

for pacifying mana ...................... 803

navadha bhakti

See bhakti, nine processes of


glories of ........................... 3, 344-46

shaped like a lotus ..................... 275


types of ................................. 690-92

four ..................................... 599

ninety ................................. 692


360 types of ................................ 720

abhisarika, activities of ............... 717

apta-dutis, activities of ........ 724-25

described and explained .... 714-20


as svayam-duti and

apta-duti ................................... 722

various types of ............. 721-25

eight situations

described ........................ 717-19

named ................................... 717

fifteen types of ............................ 717

kalahantarita, activities of ......... 719

kanistha, prema of for Krsna .... 720

khandita, activities of ................. 718


supreme excellence of all rasa

in .................................... 716

symptoms of ........................ 715

three types of ..................... 716

madhya and pragalbha,

two further categories of .. 716

madhyama, prema of,

for Krsna ............................. 720

mugdha, symptoms of ................ 715

parodha-bhava of,

explained .............................. 713


nature of ............................. 716

three types of behavior in

mana ................................... 716

prema for Krsna,

degrees of ............................ 720


activities of ......................... 719

samanya ............................................ 714


activities of ......................... 719

madhavi ................................... 719

svayam-duti, modes of expression



symptoms of ....................... 718

uttama, prema of for Krsna ...... 720


activities of .......................... 717

becomes utkanthita .............. 718

vipralabdha, activities of ........... 719


cannot arise without parodha

abhimana .................................... 695


accepting, as anga of bhakti ...... 483


social dealings and .............. 189-90

night, early

pastimes described ................ 831-32

night pastimes

described ..................................... 834


preached dvaitadvaita-vada ........ 422

nirapeksa bhaktas

defined ......................................... 162

as very rare .................................. 165

nirvikara (unattached & unaffected)

defined ......................................... 332


activities of ............................ 815-16

nisarga (nature acquired by

association) ................................ 11

nisedha (forbidden activity)

causes forgetfulness of Bhagavan 457


as visnu-maya ................................. 222

Nitai-vata ...................................... 178


real meaning of word ................. 50

and naimittika-dharma

defined & discussed ..... 49-54

and naimittika karma

defined & discussed ...... 49-52


as expression of 64 arts ............ 701

nitya-mukta ........................................ 414

Nityananda Dasa

accepts Haridasa as guru ........... 195

Nityananda Prabhu

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 848

nitya-sakhis of Radha named ....... 712


defined ........................................ 603


cleanses heart ............................. 142

non-Aryan religions

generally oppose Deity worship .. 269


association with

does not give bhakti ............ 493

explained ............................ 485

renouncing, ............... 473, 485

fall down ..................................... 372


recommended ...................... 250-52

noon pastimes

described ................................ 821-29


concepts & terminology of ...... 277

Nyayaratna Mahasaya

debates concerning

vaisnava-dharma ............. 237-54

introduced .................................. 233

nyaya-sastra see sastra, nyaya





directions for ............................. 465


against nama ................................. 487

in seva .............................................. 487

omkara (pranava)

as the only maha-vakya .............. 290

oneness and difference

supported by Vedas ...................... 421

opulence (aisvarya) ....................... 414

outcaste See antyaja




explained .............................. 463-64

Padma ........................................... 802

Padma Purana

analyzes ten types of

nama-aparadha .................... 521-31


dealings of, with others ..... 845-47


in ekadasa-bhavas,

explained ...................... 844-47

Pancajanya ................................... 605

pancanga-bhakti (five most important

limbs of bhakti) ....................... 476


as sattvika tantra ............................. 307


real meaning of word ............... 245

papa (actual performance of sin) ... 452

parakastha-svasa (highest aspiration)

in ekadasa-bhavas, explained ... 844

parakiya ..................................... 622, 690

parakiya and svakiya

as eternally distinct .................. 789


See also paramour mood

adopting in bhajana .................... 860

as necessary to attain vraja-rasa ... 512

mundane, as base ....................... 621

Syamasundara’s lilas .................. 694


as beyond criticism ..................... 713

as not disgraceful when

Krsna is nayaka ..................... 621

as paramour mood ...................... 512

as superior to svakiya .................. 620

as supreme mystery ................... 620

explained .................................... 788

not experienced

in mahisi-bhava ...................... 512

root of, in Goloka .................... 687

Vijaya Kumara’s

inclination for .................. 840

24 types of nayaka in ................ 692

parakiya-tattva .................................... 679


can transmit sakti ......................... 530

Paramahamsa Babaji

instructs Sannyasi Thakura on his

spiritual identity ........................ 9

parama prestha-sakhis of Radha .... 712


three categories of ....................... 95


as partial manifestation of Hari ... 313

position of ................................... 331

realization of

as karma ................................. 450

as naimittika not nitya ......... 66

with jiva in tree of body .......... 402

paramatma-pravrtti (tendency towards

Paramatma) .............................. 65

paramour See upapati and parakiya

paramour mood ............................ 713

para-ramata (enjoying with the help

of others) ................................. 621

para-sakti (Krsna’s superior potency)

three aspects of .......................... 328

three states of .............................. 331

three functions of ...................... 6 8

para-tattva ............................................ 621

parikrama .................................. 474, 489


as popular from early times ...... 422

denied by Sankaracarya ........... 422

two kinds of ............................... 422


as married parakiya ....................... 622

conception necessary to awaken

rasa ............................................... 695


of Goloka, given form by yogamaya

in Vraja ................................... 699


explanation of .......................... 696

glories of ..................................... 696

material, rejected ........................ 713

pastime places

affection for, .............................. 530

pati (husband), defined ................ 621

pauganda age,

duration of ................................. 604


attained when material desires

dissipated ................................. 117


established by previous acaryas ... 421

pious deeds See sukrti

playfulness (lalita)

Krsna’s, explained ..................... 601


material, as trivial ...................... 453

of brahma, as insignificant ....... 453

of negating material pleasure,

as dry .................................... 453

possessiveness ............................... 143

potency See also sakti

Bhagavan has one ...................... 223

depends on potent source ....... 223

Prabhodananda Gosvami

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 849


explained .............................. 386-87

matter created from .................. 387

pradosa-lila (pastimes of early night)

described ................................. 831-32

prahara ................................................. 531

prakata-lila and aprakata-lila ......... 862


two types of ................................ 813

pramada (error in conditioned jiva)

explained .................................... 306

pramana .....................................................

defined ........................................ 300

different types discussed ...... 305-6

prameya ........................................ 300

prana (life-air)

and sattvika-bhava ......................... 613

prana-sakhis of Radha named ...... 712


as basis of mana ........................... 798

explained ..................................... 777

no jealousy without .................. 800

prapatti (surrender)

described in Gita ................... 144-45


(karma now bearing fruit) .......... 569


accepting, as anga of bhakti ...... 489

devotees take nothing else ..... 482

glories of ................................. 126-27

mood in honoring ................. 500-2

Vaisnavas’ attitude towards 249-50

pratah kaliya-lila (morning lila)

activities of ............................ 816-17


See bhakti-abhasa, pratibimba

as reflective semblance

of bhakti, ............................. 183

pratibimba bhava-abhasa

(reflection of bhava)

See bhava-abhasa, pratibimba

pratipa ................................................... 615

pratyaksa (direct perception)

scope of ....................................... 307

pravasa (being away from each other)

as separation (viraha) ................ 656

aspects of ................................ 805-6

as type of vipralambha ...... 794, 806


offering, as anga of bhakti ......... 474

prayojana-tattva ................................... 76


as Vaisnava's duty ...................... 205


and kama .......................................... 771

as desire for happiness

of one's beloved .................. 771

as true dharma ............................... 868

compared to advaita-siddhi ... 22-25

distinction between types of .. 774

ideology of .................................... 24

madhya, nature of ...................... 773

only found in the Vaisnava

sastras ........................................... 28

praudha, nature of ..................... 773

primary characteristic o,f in

madhura-rasa ............................. 773

relationship with bhava ..... 524, 525


as eternally perfect .................... 455

as final goal in chain

of bhakti .................................. 288

Premadasa Babaji

ecstasy of ......................................... 9

introduced ...................................... 3


as anubhava

in rudha-mahabhava ............ 782

as quintessence of prema ......... 805

as type of vipralambha ................ 794

included in vipralambha ............. 779

in mana ........................................... 805


read by Sri Premadasa Babaji ....... 4


becoming free from, ................. 205

freedom from, ............................ 528

primary names (of Bhagavan) .... 543

primary rasa See rasa, primary

prita-rasa (dasya-rasa)

gaurava ............................................. 646

sambhrama ............................... 640-46

two types of ............................... 640

priya-narma sakhas

eligibility of, for srngara-rasa ... 655

as superior & very

confidential .......................... 648

characteristics of ....................... 693

priya sakhis of Radha named ........ 712


depends on association ............ 199


as anga of bhakti, .............. 474, 489

pure devotees,

association with

causes liberation ............... 406

fixes mind on Krsna ........ 406

results from sukrti ............... 406

pure dualism (suddhadvaita-vada)

preached by Visnusvami ........... 422

pure holy name

See suddha-nama

pure knowledge

See suddha-jnana

defined ............................................ 12

pure love

only found in the Vaisnava

sastras ............................................... 28

pure monism (suddhadvaita-vada)421

purvahna lila

described ................................ 820-21

purva-raga (bhava before meeting)

defined ........................................ 794

praudha (fully matured) ........... 796

sadharana (general) ................... 798

sancari-bhavas in ....................... 796

sequence of events in .............. 798

ten states (dasas) in ........... 796-798

three types of ............................. 796



Qualities in ekadasa-bhavas, .................. 842-43


as slightly present in jiva .. 378

four super-excellent .......... 323

most completely manifested in

Gokula .......................... 598

of Krsna, devatas and jivas ... 320-23

queens in Dvaraka, mood of

See mahisi-bhava

Qur’an (principal teaching of) ...... 99




abharanas (ornaments) of ........ 709

as best of Krsna’s consorts ....... 655

as complete svarupa-sakti ......... 333

as embodiment of mahabhava .. 335

as hladini-vrtti of svarupa-sakti ... 334

as Krsna’s svarupa-sakti ................ 511

as mahabhava, & essence of

hladini ............................................ 742

as mahabhava svarupa .................. 708

as most beautiful of Krsna’s consorts

(susthu-kanta svarupa) ...... 708-9

as only atyantika-adhika ............... 721

as prominent amongst all

yuthesvaris .................................. 702

as sole abode of madana ............ 787

as sole yuthesvari .......................... 842

as superior to Candravali in all

respects ................................... 708

as waves of love in the Krsna-ocean

of rasa .......................................... 729

auspicious lines of ................ 710-11

dresses according to phases of

moon...................................... 832

mana of, pacified ...................... 804

manifests different sakhis .......... 335

name described confidentially in

Srimad-Bhagavatam ............... 702

parakiya-bhava of, as extremely

confidential .......................... 714

qualities of ............................ 709-10

sakhis, five types of ..................... 712

sakhis of .................................. 712-14

srngaras (decorations) of ......... 709

svarupa of, described ........... 708-12

yutha of, as best of all ................. 712

raga ................................... 503-4, 777-78

raganuga ......................................... 41-42


acts rapidly .................................. 505

as urgent ..................................... 663

based on kama, explained .. 509-13

based on sambandha ............... 513-14

causes of ..................................... 509

composes the mind .................. 858

discerning eligibility for ........... 514

greed, as qualification for ....... 504

inclination for, from hearing .. 855

males eligible for ........................ 510

process described ....................... 505

qualification for ......... 76, 472, 504

relationship of

to ragatmika-bhakti .............. 514

to vaidhi-bhakti ..................... 505

Rupa Gosvami’s instructions on . 857

starts from ruci .............................. 526

two types of ............................... 509


starts from ruci .............................. 526


as kama-rupa & sambandha-

rupa .......................................... 506-8

defined ........................................ 504

kama-rupa only in Vraja .......... 508

those with greed for, follow

residents of Vraja ................. 857

Raghunatha Bhatta

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 849

Raghunatha dasa Babaji Maharaja

explains vaidhi-bhakti ........... 456-67

Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami

explained how rasa is exercised . 847


causes beginning ....................... 668


taking birth in brahmana

families ................................... 400


preached visistadvaita-vada ........ 422


adhikara for ............................ 631-32

anga, explained ......................... 658

angi, explained .......................... 658

as dry in direction of atma-

ramata .......................................... 621

as fully blossomed in direction of

pararamata .................................. 621

as purely spiritual ....................... 622

as svarupa of Krsna .................... 632

awakens through resolute

hearing ................................... 854

defined ......................................... 617

eight types of ............................. 629

from impressions and acintya-

bhavas ....................................... 631

gauna, explained ....................... 656

ingredients of ............................. 610

manifests when sthayibhava

combines with ingredients .. 628


as only partial .................... 628

as opposed to tattva ............. 616

as reflection of spiritual

rasa ..................................... 616

indicates nature of spiritual

rasa ..................................... 615

primary, does not disappear when as

anga ............................................ 659

two types of people eligible to

taste ....................................... 602


explained ............................ 656

interaction with primary

rasas .................................. 656

may become angi ................ 658

usually included in vyabhicaribhava

................................. 656

spiritual, appears mundane ...... 614

those not favorable to suddha-bhakti

as unqualified for .................. 631


increases progressively from

santa-rasa ........................ 640

more beautiful in

separation ...................... 629

rasa, gauna See rasa, secondary

rasabhasa ...................................... 659-62


not for general discussion ........ 750


instructions for following ....... 694

rasantara (change of thoughts or

mood)for pacifying mana ......... 803


compatible & incompatible . 656-60

differences in, from different kinds

of sthayi-bhava .......................... 789


in same devotee ................ 660

order of ........................................ 615


eligibility for ................................ 631


as direct or indirect ................... 621

as mukhya or gauna ...................... 621

asraya of, explained .................. 598

as same as bhava ............................ 526

bhaya (fear),

symptoms of ...................... 626

causes of appearance of .... 767-69

in purva-raga ........................ 794

congested (sankula), defined ... 625

dasya, defined ............................ 624

development in sadhaka ........... 769

develops into prema .................... 773

eight types of ............................. 629

exclusive (kevala), defined ....... 623

hasya , symptoms of ................... 625

improves from santa

to madhurya .......................... 624

jugupsa (disgust), ....................... 626

kevala (exclusive), defined ....... 623

krodha, symptoms of ................ 626

madhura, explained .................. 624

of Dvaraka queens ..................... 770

of gopis ...................................... 769-70

possessiveness in ........................ 776


described ............................. 770

develops as far as prema .. 789

sakhya, defined .......................... 624


cannot attain mahabhava . 781

described ............................. 770

develops as far as anuraga .. 789


as the only completely correct

rati ...................................... 770

develops as far as

mahabhava ........................ 789

explained ............................. 772

special glory of ................... 772

sankula (congested), defined ... 623

secondary, explained .......... 624-26

three types of .............................. 623

utsaha (enthusiasm),

symptoms of ...................... 626

vatsalya, defined ........................ 624

visaya , as mundane .................. 628

vismaya (astonishment),

symptoms of ......................... 626

rati-abhasa (semblance of) .......... 532

See bhava-abhasa


described ..................................... 834

lasts for six muhurtas ................... 814

Raya Ramananda

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 848


as confidential ................... 613, 626


as anga of bhakti .................. 474, 489

reflection ...................................... 614


between maya, the jivas, and

Krsna .................................... 73-74

sambandha mood (in ekadasa-bhavas)

explained ........................ 840-41


non-Aryan generally oppose Deity

worship ................................... 269

relation to vaisnava-dharma ........ 27

Vaisnava's attitude towards

other ...................................... 204

religious duties

ten prescribed ...................... 179-80

remnants of offerings .......... 474, 488

renounced order

accepted from Vaisnava in ....... 167

criteria for initiation into .. 167-68

external dress helpful for ......... 167

member of, lives by begging .... 168

sastric references to .............. 170-71


and outward dress ............... 166-67

appropriate is necessary ........... 495

does not produce bhakti ............ 408

may be antagonistic to bhakti ... 451

real and false .............................. 166

symptoms of eligibility for .. 164-65


in ekadasa-bhavas, explained .. 843


essential to give others ............ 204

offering to cows, brahmanas etc., as

anga of bhakti ............................ 484

offering to the asvattha & amalaki

trees, as anga of bhakti ............ 473

rival sakhis

manjari’s mood towards .......... 846


three types of, in bhava .............. 525


See mahabhava, rudha


Islamic term, corresponding to

conditioned soul ..................... 28

Rukmini ....................................... 800

rupa (form)

in ekadasa-bhavas, explained .. 842

Rupa Gosvami

did not explain exercise of rasa .. 847

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 848

guidance of, as essential ........... 730

Rupa Manjari

as very dear to Radhika ........... 845

mood of manjaris towards ....... 845



Sacinandana Gaurahari

as greatest sadhu and guru ....... 584

as Krsna ...................................... 839

as non-different from

Krsna .............................. 415, 838

as Radha and Krsna

combined .............................. 346

associates of, mostly grhasthas .. 163

as sole guru of vraja-rasa ........... 839

as Supreme Personality of

Godhead ................................. 278

astonishing anubhavas of .......... 611

brief life history of ..................... 278

came to preach

suddha krsna-nama .............. 543

described in Svetasvatara

Upanisad ....................................... 36

destination of His devotees .... 415

favored devotees of ................... 536

His footprints and fingerprints in

stone ....................................... 595

His paraphernalia in Gambhira .. 595

manifested eternally ................ 346

mantra of, as secret .................... 347

memories of ................................ 279

on sadhu-sanga .............................. 578

remained within Madhvacarya’s

sampradaya ................................. 422

specifically empowered

associates ......................... 847-49

taught acintya-bhedabheda-

tattva ............................................. 422

teachings of, confirmed by

Vedas ............................................ 354

to be worshipped ...................... 586

worshiped as Radha-vallabha .. 839

worship of,

same as worship of Krsna . 347


quoted on asta-kaliya-lila ..... 813-34


qualification of ..................477-478

sadhaka ................................................ 602


defined ........................................ 284

only purified by Krsna ............ 628

primary & secondary results of ... 8 9

pure, importance of .................. 627

sadhana and sadhya

as cause and effect .................... 288


perfection in, corresponds to

performance .......................... 627


association of

as very rare ........................... 151

creates more sadhus ........... 494

earthly life of,

as not ordinary .................. 150


as anga of bhakti ......... 473, 480

shelter of, as auspicious ............ 471


as anga of bhakti ............................ 476

as means to attain suddha-

nama .......................................... 578

as necessary to attain

suddha-nama ......................... 583

as only cause of good fortune . 578

as only means of deliverance .... 75

as the only sukrti giving rise to

bhakti ............................................ 408

as very rare ................................... 151

attained by sukrti in previous

births ....................................... 197

creates favorable samskaras ....... 631

importance of ............................. 90

influence of .... 5, 146, 135, 149-50,

164, 170, 176, 195, 269

process described ................ 662-63

progression from ........................ 197


defined ........................................ 284

depends on tendency .............. 289

sadhya and sadhana

compared to links in chain ..... 288

sahaya See assistant of Krsna

sahetu mana (mana with cause)

defined .................................. 798-99

sakhas, Krsna’s ........................ 647-48

have visrambha-bhava .................. 647

two categories of ....................... 647

sakhas in Vraja .............................. 647


activities as dutis ........................... 733

apparent jealousy of,

explained ............................. 738

as left-wing and right-wing ..... 732

as Radharani’s kaya-vyuha .......... 511

categories of ................................. 731

characteristics & activities of . 730-43

general, as sadhana-siddha jivas . 511

left-wing, described ................... 732

messages of ............................ 733-34

mood when meeting

Krsna as duti ......................... 735

nine types of group members ... 731

nitya, two types of ..................... 734

of Radha

as Her kaya-vyuha ................ 358

as nitya-siddha ....................... 358

of Radha named ......................... 712

playing role of duti ....................... 733


as svarupa-sakti-tattva .......... 511

relationships between ............... 733

right-wing, described ................ 732

rival groups ........................... 737-42

characteristics of .......... 737-38

necessity for ....................... 741

manjari’s mood towards .. 846

sixteen activities of ............. 735-36

svabhava of .................................. 735

svapaksa, sama-sneha & asama-

sneha ............................................. 736

twelve types in every yutha ...... 732

with more affection

for Krsna ............................. 736


as atyantika-adhika ................ 731


explained .................................... 466

two kinds of .............................. 466


alambana in ....................... 647, 648

anubhavas in ......................... 648-49

as preyo-bhakti-rasa ...................... 647

as priya ............................................. 650

explained .............................. 646-49

greatness of ................................ 649

mood in vraja-bhakti ..................... 513

sattvika & sancari-bhavas in ..... 649

sthayibhava in ....................... 649-50

uddipana in ................................ 648


defined ........................................ 649


enjoyment of .............................. 214

philosophy of ........ 214-15, 219, 227

philosophy of purusa and prakrti . 214

Vaisnavas as ................................ 224


as manifest in all forms

of para-tattva .......................... 328

as non-different from

saktiman ...................................... 332

not an independent entity ...... 223

relationship of,

with Bhagavan ................... 328


different names of ............ 330

three divisions of ............... 329


as doctrine of transformation of

energy ...................................... 423

sama (consolation with words)

for pacifying mana ...................... 803

samadhi (sole awareness of objects of

meditation) ............................ 463

samagri (ingredients of rasa) ...... 628

samanjasa purva-raga ...................... 797


as cause of rati .............................. 794

as foundation of rasa ................. 840

as innate disposition of soul .. 840

in ekadasa-bhavas, explained . 840-41

mood of ........................................ 513

sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana

as fundamental in vaisnava-

dharma ........................................... 67

sambandha-bhava (in ekadasa-bhavas)

explained .............................. 840-41


as essential .................................. 182

as essential for pure devotees ... 69

as necessary in sankirtana .......... 524

dissolves deep mental

impressions ............................. 74

manifest with suddha-bhakti .... 197

to be learned from Gurudeva .. 524


(raganuga-bhakti with relationship)

explained ................................ 508-9

sambandha-tattva ..........................67-69


anubhavas of ................................ 812

as division of madhura-rasa ...... 655

as eternal in aprakata-lila .......... 809

as principal (mukhya) and secondary

(gauna) .................................... 809

as type of srngara .......................... 793

definition .......................... 508, 807

desire for

as kama and prema .............. 771

in rati ........................................ 771

in samartha-rati .................... 772

gauna (sambhoga in dreams) ..... 811

mukhya (sambhoga while awake)

different aspects of ..... 809-11

four types of ...................... 809

sampanna (enriched sambhoga) .. 810

samrddhimana (perfected sambhoga)

as aspect of mukhya-

sambhoga ............................. 810

defined .................................. 811

sankirna (restricted sambhoga) .. 810

sanksipta (brief sambhoga) .. 809-10

secondary, defined ...................... 811

sambhoga-icchamayi (desire for keli

with Krsna), ........................... 509

sambhrama priti ................................. 641

Sambhunatha ....................................... 83


See prita-rasa, sambhrama

sampatti-dasa ..................................... 853

sampradayas ....................................... 303


from sadhu-sanga .......................... 631

gadha ........................................... 630-31

two types of ............................... 630

rati arises from ........................... 598


gives knowledge ......................... 524

manifests sambandha (relationship)

moods of Vraja ...................... 335

Sanatana Gosvami

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 848


word explained .......................... 616


as assistants of rati ....................... 627

as constituent bhavas ................. 617

as transitory ................................ 618

as vyabhicari-bhavas .................... 616

bhava-sabalya (overcoming) ..... 617

bhava-sandhi (union) ................. 617

bhava-santi (pacification) ......... 617

bhava-utpatti (generation) ......... 617

categories of ........................... 616-17

dependent and independent .. 616

four phases of ............................. 616

generation ................................... 616

in madhura-rasa ............ 655, 759-63

causes of ........................ 759-63

four stages of ...................... 762

unique features of ....... 759-61

in mana .................................. 758, 802

in pravasa ........................................ 805

in purva-raga ................................. 796

in sakhya-rasa ................................ 649

in sambhrama prita-rasa ...... 644-45

in santa-rasa ................................... 639

in vatsalya-rasa ............................. 654

overcoming ................................. 617

pacification ................................. 617

relationship with rati .................. 628

thirty-three types of .................. 616

union ........................................... 617


manifests everything in Vraja . 335

sandhya-vandana (prayers at sandhya)

as naimittika-dharma ......................88

leads to knowledge and

liberation ................................. 117

sanga (association) ....................... 485


as Mahadeva-Sankara,

or Sivaji ............................ 22, 430

contribution to vaisnava-dharma . 23

motive for introducing advaita-

vada ........................ 23-24, 430-431


manifests associates of

Narayana ................................ 359


as anga of bhakti ........ 475, 476, 489

defined ........................................ 463

Mahaprabhu delivers

crocodile by ......................... 177


as best spiritual practice ...... 31

as priceless possession ...... 245

detaches the mind from

karma .................................... 111

to be performed in the association

of devotees ............................. 205

Sannyasi Thakura

instructed about spiritual

identity ....................................... 9

meets Premadasa Babaji ............... 4

named Vaisnava dasa .................. 37

sees divine vision of

Mayapura ............................ 35-36


anubhavas of, 641

as dormant in Vraja .................. 840

as indirect and direct ............... 640

as necessary in cit-tattva ............ 640

Narayana, as alambana in ....... 638

not accepted in mundane

literature ............................... 640

rati as sthayi-bhava in ................ 645

sancari-bhavas in ....................... 639

santi-rati as sthayi-bhava in ........ 637

sattvika transformations in ..... 639

uddipana in ................................ 638

vibhavas in ........................... 637-339


as equal (sama) and condensed

(sandra) .................................. 639

as present in Vraja .................... 624

as sthayibhava in santa-rasa ........ 637

peaceful personalities as

abode of ................................. 638


as anga of bhakti ............................. 475

as external symptom of sraddha . 119

destroys clutches of maya ........ 584

six symptoms described ....... 119-20


appears with sraddha .................. 476

mood of ....................................... 491


not to be read by Vaisnavas ....... 93

Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 848


accepts simultaneous oneness and

difference .............................. 442

amnaya as evidence of ............. 300

and vaidhi-bhakti ............................. 76

as authoritative if it follows

Vedas ............................................ 307

Bhagavad-gita as matchless

deliberation on ........................ 45

compared to wish-fulfilling

cow .......................................... 285

credibility of, re-established by

Sankaracarya .......................... 23

curb licentious activities ..... 250-51

decribes different types of sense

gratification ........................... 285


recommends naimittika-

dharma ................................... 51

statements of ................ 40, 41

direct meaning to be taken .... 486

discipline of,

causes vaidhi-bhakti ............ 456

does not describe clearly system for

accepting renounced order .. 156

does not intend that animals should

be killed ................................... 252

establishes varnasrama-dharma .. 47

expertise in, as protection ....... 183

faith in

as root of all auspiciousness ... 90

determines ruci for nama .... 73

different levels of ............... 90

hearing as nitya-sukrti ................. 128

instructs according to adhikara .44

intelligence as knowledge of ... 179

manifested by Lord’s mercy ...... 44


aim of .................................. 284

as silent regarding sadhya and

sadhana ............................... 283

as ultimately insignificant 278

conclusions of ................... 108

Devidasa as scholar of ........ 81

Nimai Pandita as outstanding

scholar of ...................... 278

Vrajanatha as scholar of .. 275

prescribes different sadhya for

different adhikara ............ 288-90

serving, as anga of bhakti . 475, 491

smrti, as correct explanation of

Vedas ............................................ 302

Srimad-Bhagavatam as crest-

jewel of ...................................... 47

study of, strengthens sambandhajnana

............................................. 198

tattvika-sraddha as faith in ......... 114

three types of ............................... 90

two basic principles of ............. 457


as not independent of God ... 268

existence of, as doubtful ......... 268

satha nayaka

symptoms of ............................... 691


from self and from others ........ 621

sat-karma See subha-karma


See also sadhu-sanga

as cause of release from birth and

death ......................................... 125

as root of all spiritual

advancement ........................ 269

attained by good fortune ......... 471

sattva (citta stimulated by bhava) .. 611


word explained .......................... 627


See sattvika-bhava-abhasa

sattvika-bhava, semblance of

See sattvika-bhava-abhasa


examples of ................................. 615

explained ..................................... 615


and prana ......................................... 613

appearance of, explained ......... 612

as activities of rati ........................ 627

as distinct from anubhava .......... 613

as more than uddipta in adhirudhamahabhava

.................................. 784

as suddipta in mohana ................ 784

as uddipta in rudha mahabhava 781

causes of ................................. 613-14

eight types of .............................. 613

examples of in madhura-rasa,

as distinctive ...................... 758

explained ................................ 611-14

four levels of intensity ............. 614

in madhura-rasa ............ 655, 758-59

in sakhya-rasa ................................ 649

in sambhrama prita-rasa ............. 644

in santa-rasa ................................... 639

in vatsalya-rasa ............................. 654

primary smooth (mukhya snigdha) 612

rough (ruksa) ............................... 612

secondary smooth

(gauna-snigdha) .................. 612

smeared (digdha) ........................ 612

smooth (snigdha) ........................ 612

three types of .............................. 612

Satyabhama .................................. 800

Saunaka Rsi (as jijnasu) .............. 459

sayam-lila ............................................ 831

sayujya-mukti (merging)

devotees of Krsna avoid .......... 459


as unnecessary, to become

Vaisnava .................................... 74

secondary bhava

See bhava, secondary

secondary names (of Bhagavan) . 543

secondary rasa

See rasa, secondary

secondary results (sastras praise) ... 89

secondary sambhoga ......................... 811

seeing in purva-raga

three different kinds of ........... 794


as anga of bhakti ............ 475, 490-91

semblance of bhakti

See bhakti-abhasa

semblance of sri-nama

See namabhasa

sense objects (creation of) ......... 387

service to Lord

as anga of bhakti ............................ 489

serving Krsna like a king ............ 474

servitorship .......................... 475, 490

seva in ekadasa-bhavas, ............. 843-44

sevaparadha .............................. 474, 487

shackles (in material world) ........ 382

siddha-bhaktas .......................... 602, 625


assigned seva in, according to

ekadasa-bhavas ...................... 858

cultivating bhavas of ................ 858

definition of, according to

inclination and ruci .............. 842

following residents of Vraja

internally in ........................... 857

in srngara-rasa ............................... 510

instructions about, as

confidential ............................ 515

serving with emotions of ......... 505

Siddhaloka ................................... 507

siddhi-kami .......................................... 95

siksa ..................................................... 479


as Mahaprabhu’s only writing . 294

includes all Vedic instructions .. 295


as good quality ............................ 216



in stage of bhava ............ 534-35

avidya as origin of ..................... 268

degrees of severity of ................ 452

three stages of ............................. 452

sinful activities

performance on the strength of

chanting, as offensive .......... 528


as anga of bhakti .................. 474, 489

Siva ....................................... 324, 698

sky and space in pot

example of .................................. 363


term explained ........................... 615


as the stage of remembrance ... 853

instructions on ................... 856-63

smaranam (contemplation) ........ 463

smarta-brahmanas (beliefs of) ...... 103

smrti (remembering)

in samanjasa purva-raga ............ 798


described and explained .... 774-76

ghrta ................................................... 775

madhu ............................................... 775

3 stages of development of ...... 774

social customs

mature Vaisnava may give up .. 130

social propriety

to be observed by Vaisnavas ..... 112


may be useful or useless ............ 218


as living in association

of bhaktas ............................... 405

soul and Supersoul

compared to two birds in one

body ......................................... 124


material and spiritual ......... 359-60

specific monism ............................ 421

preached by Ramanujacarya .... 422

spiritual body

covered by material bodies ..... 368

spiritual consciousness

awakened by 4 transcendental

objects ..................................... 126

spiritual insight

four categories of people with .. 152-53

spiritual master See guru


arises from moods of saranagati .. 120

arises from sukrti ........................... 120

arises through sadhu-sanga ......... 119

as jiva’s eternal nature ................ 118

as necessary qualification for krsnabhakti

............................................ 476

as only cause of eligibility for

bhakti .............................................. 114

as qualification for disciple ...... 475

as result of

hearing from sadhus .......... 476

of sravana .............................. 854

defined .......................................... 118

depends on adhikara ...................... 91

gives eligibility for bhakti, ......... 196

sadhu-sanga and ........................ 409

semblance of .............................. 576

symptoms of ............................... 410

two types of, as qualification for

vaidhi and raga-bhakti ............ 504


as conversation between guru and

disciple .................................... 854

as the stage of hearing .............. 853

completion explained ............... 855

depends on sraddha .................... 854

irregular (krama-hina)

explained ............................... 854

systematic (krama-suddha)

explained ............................... 854

two types of ............................... 854

sravanam ............................................ 462

sravanam, kirtana and smaranam

as three main limbs of bhakti ... 463

sri (beauty)

as Bhagavan’s angi-guna .............. 311


qualities of ................................. 693


as ocean of rasa ............................. 702

as rasa-grantha ................................ 632

as rasa of Vedas ............................ 493

as tattva-sastra ................................. 702

maintaining oneself by reciting, as

offensive ................................. 632

rasa of, attained through Ujjvalanilamani

....................................... 703

relishing with rasika devotees . 493

serving, as anga of bhakti . 475, 491


as vipralambha & sambhoga ....... 793

explained ..................................... 793

glories of ................................ 740-41

sruti and smrti ...................................... 41

stability (sthirata), Krsna’s ........... 601


defined and explained ............. 621

in madhura-rasa ............................ 655

in sakhya-rasa ......................... 649-50

in sambhrama prita-rasa ............. 645

in vatsalya-rasa ............................. 654

priti as, in sambhrama prita-rasa .. 645

rati as, in santa-rasa ..................... 645

subhada (giving good fortune)

bhakti as ........................................ 451


as means, but not goal ............. 529

result of, as very insignificant .. 530

three types of ............................... 46

two types of ............................... 406

submission (nati)

mana pacified by ....................... 803

substance, potency of .................. 122

subtle body

as unable to perform work ...... 382

composition of ......................... 369

function of .......................... 368-69

semblance of knowledge and

activity in .......................... 369-71


attained at madhyama level, .... 196

defined, ...................................... 184

described in anyabhilasita-sunyam

sloka, ......................................... 184

gives clear understanding, I am

servant of Krsna, ................... 452

includes worship of devotees ... 181

kanistha-adhikari has not attained 186

kanistha Vaisnava does not know

intrinsic nature of ................ 196

manifest with true sambandha-

jnana ............................................. 197

obtained by honoring prasada of

devotees ................................. 249

prakrta-bhakti as doorway to ..... 189

pretentious renunciation as neutral

towards .................................... 633

separate sampradaya needed by those

who practice ........................... 303

to be offered to guru & Krsna . 133

suddhadvaita-vada ............................ 422

preached by Visnusvami ........... 422


as eternal ..................................... 220


appears by mercy

of hladini-sakti ...................... 553

attained through

sadhu-sanga ............................ 578

cannot appear if chanting is

offensive ................................. 556

destroys all karma ......................... 529

grhasthas may attain ................... 578

krsna-prema attained by

chanting .................................. 554

means of attaining .................... 577

symptoms of ............................... 577

suddha-rati ......................................... 623


and rasa ............................................ 617

and svarupa ..................................... 619

and udbhasvara ............................... 611

as constitution of spiritual

world ....................................... 524

as eternally present in nitya-siddha

devotees .................................. 525

bhava situated in ........................ 524

explained ..................................... 618

only appears through bhakti ...... 619

propensity for knowledge as ... 524

pure jiva as .................................. 618

suddha-sattva and misra-sattva

difference between ................... 618

suddha vaisnava-dharma

See vaisnava-dharma, pure


as unique to madhura-rasa ........ 759


qualities of ............................ 48, 113


as jiva's responsibility ............... 381

as only apparent

in separation ..................... 628

in krsna-prema ...................... 720

gives rise to devotion .............. 380

present in all pastimes ............. 380

reason for .................................... 379

Sufi teachings

as identical with advaitavada .... 100

sugar cane (example of) ............... 773

Sukadeva Gosvami

as uttama bhagavata ....................... 192


as cause of bhakti .......................... 458

from Krsna’s lila ........................... 319

produced by chance events .... 409

sadhu-sanga as first result of .... 197

two types of ................................ 120

Vrajanatha earns ........................ 279

surrender See saranagati

surrender to Lord

surrender to pure devotees as first

step in ..................................... 407


in same category as Brahma .... 698

svabhava ................................................. 11

svakiya (chaste wife)

Dvaraka queens as ..................... 622

symptoms of ............................... 622

in Vraja and Dvaraka ................ 792

mood of young gopis

in Gokula as ...................... 690

svakiya and parakiya

as eternally distinct .................. 789

svakiya-bhava .................................... 840


in sadhana, results in samanjasa-

rasa ............................................... 860

svakiya-tattva .................................... 689


as reference literature in

bhajana ........................................ 847


appears with suddha-nama by mercy

of hladini-sakti .......................... 552

as krsna-nistha, lalana-nistha &

ubhaya-nistha ............................ 769

as type of svabhava ...................... 768

attained by influence of hladini

potency ................................... 522

attained by sadhana-siddha gopis by

manasa-seva to Krsna ............ 511


as non-different from nama 554

as one with nama ............... 544

as rasa ....................................... 632

does not forgive offenses

against Him ................... 556

in sambhrama-prita-rasa ....641

only known through svarupa-

sakti ...................................... 524

revealed through bhava ..... 525

manasa-seva in ........................... 815

meditation on ............................ 814

of bhava, as ray of the sun

of prema .................................. 525

of Krsna’s sri-nama ...................... 552

of para-tattva as sac-cid-ananda 701

Radha’s described ................. 708-12

realization of, appears in stage of

smarana-dasa ............................ 862

realized through suddha-sattva . 619

Svarupa Damodara

empowered by Mahaprabhu ... 847


activities of, may appear like

ignorance ............................... 344

characteristics of, presence in other

saktis ............................................. 334

cognitive faculty of, acts by

mercy ....................................... 524

three aspects of ...................... 334

three types of manifestation of .. 334


as manifest in material world .. 625

attained in bhavapana-dasa ...... 864


See madhurya

Krsna’s, explained ..................... 601

destination of jivas attracted by .... 415

symptoms of .............................. 628

systematic cultivation of hearing

(krama-suddha sravana-dasa)

as methodical and resolute ..... 854

as required for bhajana ................ 855

defined ......................................... 855




end caused by ............................. 618

tanava (thinness)

in praudha purva-raga ................. 796

tantra (three types of) .................. 307

tata (shoreline) .............................. 355

tatastha (marginal) ......................... 355

tatastha region .................................. 14

tatastha-sakti .......................................... 14

tat-tad-bhava-icchamayi .................. 509

tattvika-sraddha (faith rooted in the

Absolute Truth) ........................ 114


material & spiritual ...... 29, 359-60

not wasting, as symptom of

bhava ............................................. 528

spiritual, as eternal present ..... 869

tolerance ...................................... 528


process of, described ................ 369

truth ............................................. 204

truthfulness ................................... 216

Tulasi .................................... 475, 491

twenty-four elements of maya .... 389




(symptoms of bhava)

explained ...................................... 611

in madhura-rasa ............................ 757

uddipana (stimulus that awakens bhava)

as division in vibhava ................. 598

described and explained ..... 604-5

as cause of mrtyu .......................... 797

in gaurava-priti-rasa .................... 646

in madhura-rasa ............ 655, 749-53

qualities ......................... 749-51

in sakhya-rasa ................................ 648

in sambhrama prita-rasa ............. 644

in santa-rasa ................................... 638

in vatsalya-rasa .............................. 653

murali as prominent ................. 752

six categories of vibhavas in

madhura-rasa ............................ 749

vayah-sandhi as ........................... 750

udvega (perturbation)

in praudha purva-raga ................. 796

Ujjvala-nilamani (as essential to attain

rasa of Srimad-Bhagavatam .... 703

instruction on madhura-rasa .. 656

to be studied in sequence ....... 690

Vijaya Kumara begins to study . 663

unintentional pravasa ................... 806

unmada (madness)

in praudha purva-raga ................. 796

unmukha See krsna-unmukha


eleven sattvic named ................ 308

yuthesvaris ............................... 703


defined ......................................... 622

Krsna assumes relationship of .. 689

uparasa (rasa including distortion)

explained ..................................... 661

upasaka-nistha (development of

steadiness of the sevaka) ........ 859

upasaka-pariskrti (knowing intrinsic

nature) .................................... 839

upasana, nitya and naimittika .......... 97

upasya-nistha (development of

steadiness in relation to the object

of seva) ............................. 859-60

upasya pariskrti (knowing object

of seva) ........................................ 839

upeksa (neglect)

for pacifying mana ...................... 803

utsaha-rati (symptoms of) ............ 626

uttama-adhikari See Vaisnava, uttama

uttama-bhakti ............................ 184, 450

uttama Vaisnava See Vaisnava, uttama




as tendency to follow rules and

regulations ................................ 39

vaidhi-bhakti (bhakti according to

discipline of sastras)

See bhakti, vaidhi

as weak ......................................... 505

in Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.1.30-31) 507

limbs of to be performed with gross

body ........................................ 858

one cannot follow gopis by ....... 511

relationship of,

with raganuga-bhakti ... 505, 848

sneha of sakhya-bhava in .......... 506

to be performed until inclination

for raga awakens .................... 514

vaidhi sraddha

as qualification for ........... 504


as tendency to follow sastras .. 456

Vaikuntha .................................... 622


as effulgence of fame ................. 311

phalgu, to be avoided ................ 495

yukta, meaning of ..................... 495


activities of, as not naimittika .. 95-7

adopting signs of,

as anga of bhakti ......... 474, 488

and varnasrama regulations .... 460

as asraya of rati ............................. 598

as free from fear ........................... 62

as householder or

renunciant .................. 152, 536

association of .............................. 122

as sometimes visaya of rati ....... 598

as superior to non-devotee

brahmanas ...................................... 52

as true sakta ..................................... 224

as very rare .................................. 412

attitude towards

devatas ..................................... 487

prasada of devas .......... 249-50

regulations of civilization ... 458

Sankaracarya ...................... 247

sraddha ceremony ......... 252-53

attracted either to aisvarya or to

madhurya ................................. 153

blasphemy of ....................... 521, 523

conclusion on animal

sacrifice ............................... 250-52

descendants of, how to regard .. 203

no need to perform penance .. 460

does not take Narayana’s

prasada ........................................ 459

does not worship idols ............. 263

has faith in hari-katha and hari-

nama ............................................. 253

has no debts ................................ 461

how to become ........................... 9 4


as ignorant (balisa) ............ 186

as not suddha Vaisnava ..... 183

as semblance of Vaisnava . 185

attains suddha-bhakti at

madhyama level ............. 196

chanting of, as gauna ......... 196

does not have symptoms of

uttama-bhakti .................... 184

doesn’t utter suddha-nama .. 185

primary and secondary charac

teristics of ................. 195-96

progress of .................... 198-99

symptoms of .................. 181-83


always takes hari-nama ...... 555

behavior of ..................... 183-91

experience of,

on hearing lila-katha .... 364

friendship of ............... 185-186

has no independent desires . 201

mercy of ............................... 188

neglects the envious ... 189-90

prema of, ............................ 185

primary symptoms of .. 199-200

secondary symptoms of ... 200

should neglect the faithless .. 530

three categories of .................... 181

types worthy of service ............. 186


automatically inspires others to

take hari-nama ................. 555

behavior of ..................... 191-92

experience of,

on hearing lila-katha .... 364

may live as householder .. 201

never falls down from

devotional service ........ 414

not inclined for vikarma or

akarma ............................... 460

only bound to follow

angas of bhakti .............. 460

protected by Madhava ...... 414

pure devotee of Krsna as .... 412

secondary symptoms of .... 201

sees his own mood in all

jivas ................................. 164

service to, as greater than

service to Visnu ............ 492

symptoms of ........................ 191

should marry w/in own varna .. 128

should not give up domestic society

till qualified ............................ 129

should not participate in sankirtana

with offenders ....................... 573

status of, does not depend on

asrama .......................................... 412

three categories of ........................ 31

when liberated from maya........ 413

vaisnava-abhasa ........................ 576, 581

Vaisnava behavior

Haridasa Babaji speaks on .. 178-93

towards four classes of people .. 184

Vaisnava dasa

debates with Krsna

Cudamani ........................ 107-34

explains vaisnava-dharma .... 237-54

meets Devidasa ........................... 9 4

speaks on nitya-dharma and

naimittika-dharma .................... 52

Vaisnava dealings (example of) ... 501



two types of .......................... 63

with jnana, principles of .... 64

with karma, principles of .... 63

and varnasrama-dharma ............. 169

as jaiva-dharma .............................. 239

as jiva’s nitya-dharma ..................... 54

as nitya-dharma ............................... 133

as the only dharma ...................... 204

historical development of ... 244-45


four divisions of .................. 63

instructions on ................ 63-6

two types of .............. 63-66, 237-38

worship of five deities in ......... 234


association of ...................... 38, 493

serving, ............................... 475, 492

throughout history of human

race ......................................... 244


qualities of ............................ 48, 113

Vakresvara Gosvami

taught by Svarupa Damodara . 848


appearance of ............................. 395

dies of snake-bite ...................... 420

trickery of ........................... 396-400


as the stage of acceptance ........ 853

explained ............................... 855-56


determining a person’s ........ 47, 171

according to nature ........... 113

duties of all .................................. 49

origin of, in body of Visnu ..... 458

and asramas

relative positions of ........... 48


and vaisnava-dharma ................... 169

as duties for social castes and

orders ......................................... 47

as essential ................................... 49

purpose of

to remember Krsna .......... 458

to remember Visnu ............ 457

vasa (residence)

in ekadasa-bhavas, explained .. 843


as truly abiding substance ...... 11-12


defined ............................................ 11

holy name as ............................... 570

refers to Bhagavan, the jiva,

and maya ................................... 12

vastu-siddhi ........................................ 625

as inexpressible ................... 864-65

attained in sampatti-dasa .......... 864


as age of manjaris .......................... 841

explained ..................................... 750

vayasa (age)

in ekadasa-bhavas, explained ... 841

manjaris’, as eternally ten to

sixteen ..................................... 841


as conclusive teachings of

Upanisads ................................... 421

Vedanta-sutra ..................................... 421

acaryas extracted conclusions

from ......................................... 421

Sankaracarya used ..................... 422

Mahaprabhu’s commentary on,

as supreme ............................... 9 4


as only pramana for knowledge of

cit-jagat ........................................ 307

as ultimately teaching nitya-

dharma .......................................... 133

teach karma, jnana and bhakti ....44

Vedic literature

criteria for accepting ............. 307-8

vesa (and bhava) ............................... 528

vesa-grahana (entrance into the

renounced order) .................... 166

vibhava (cause of tasting bhava)

defined & explained ........ 598-605

defined ......................................... 610

viddha vaisnava-dharma

See vaisnava-dharma, adulterated


as regulations in sastra ............... 456

causes remembrance of

Bhagavan ................................ 457


prescribed so that jivas get sadhu-

sanga ...............................................44


liberates jivas .................................. 387

Vijaya Kumara

as maidservant of Lalita-devi .. 514

begins to study

Ujjvala-nilamani ...................... 663

given nitya-nama ......................... 842

inquires about prayojana ........... 449

introduced ................................. 445

meditates on ocean of rasa ...... 729

meets Babaji Maharaja ............. 449

meets Sri Vrndavana dasa

Thakura ................................. 446

sambandha of ............................. 840

sees sphurti of krsna-lila .............. 612

unable to establish sthayi-bhava .. 837

visits Mayapura with

Vrajanatha ....................... 447-48

Vijaya Kumara and Vrajanatha

considerations of marriage ... 516-17

have vision of Mayapura ......... 448

inquire about

bhava ................................... 524-35

rati and rasa ..................... 621-32

rasa-tattva ............... 596, 637-50

nama-tattva ...................... 543-56

raganuga-bhakti ............... 502-15

madhura-rasa .................. 654-56

secondary rasa ..................... 656

vatsalya-rasa .................... 653-54

meet Gopala Guru Gosvami ... 595

receive diksa .................................. 500

see Mahaprabhu and His

associates ............................. 501-2

vijnana(pure knowledge distinct from

material knowledge)

actual definition of .............. 220-21

as experiential knowledge ........ 219

distinguished from material

knowledge ............................. 220


as different from and similar to

source ..................................... 364

defined ......................................... 423

explained ............................ 364, 423


as reference literature in

bhajana ........................................ 847

gives outline of seva ................... 844


Krsna’s, explained ..................... 601


as division of madhura-rasa ...... 655

as essential to sambhoga ............ 794

as love in separation ................. 793

as not independent or self-

perfected ................................ 806

as type of srngara .......................... 793

causes whirlpool of joy ............ 628

four types of .............................. 794

relevant to prakata-lila .............. 809


(the cheating propensity)

explained .................................... 306


as vipralambha ................................ 793


as between material & spiritual

worlds ...................................... 622


enchanted by Radha’s bhava .... 702

manjaris’ mood towards .......... 846


as reference literature in

bhajana ........................................ 847


as cause of rati .............................. 794

of rati explained ....................... 598


(knowledge of material objects)

as temporary and imperfect ..... 220

visistadvaita-vada .............................. 422

preached by Ramanujacarya .... 422

vismaya-rati (astonishment)

symptoms of .............................. 626

Visnu (to be remembered and never

forgotten) ............................... 457

Visnupriya .................................... 347

Visnusvami ................................... 422

visrambha ................................... 649, 777

vivarta , true meaning of ............. 428

vivarta-vada(doctrine of illusion)

as Sankaracarya’s theory ........... 422

as comical theory ...................... 428

as false philosophy ..................... 421

as sectarian doctrine ................. 422


as vipralambha ................................ 793


as identical to Goloka ............. 626

as non-different from Brahma-

pura .......................................... 317

dasya-rasa limited in ................ 840

different realizations of ........... 626

exists in every brahmanda ........ 628

lila of, as eternal ....................... 628

no falsity in ................................ 627

realization of, as more important

than realization of Goloka ... 689

residence in .......................... 857-58

santa-rasa dormant in .............. 840


accepts acintya-bhedabheda-

tattva ............................................ 445

as follower of Subala .................. 515

Vrajanatha Bhattacarya

as dig-vijayi pandita ...................... 277

enquires about sadhya and

sadhana ........................................ 283

has faith in Raghunatha Dasa

Babaji ....................................... 279

hears about Nimai Pandita's

logic ......................................... 277

introduced .................................. 275

marriage of discussed ................ 376

meets Raghunatha Dasa Babaji . 282

visits Mayapura with

Vijaya Kumara ............. 447-48

vraja-vasa See Vraja, residence in


as reference literature

in bhajana .............................. 847

explains palya-dasi-bhava .......... 845


as apta-duti ..................................... 693

Vrndavana dasa Thakura

as Sri Vyasadeva’s incarnation . 446

vyabhicari ............................................. 615

vyabhicari-bhavas .......................... 616

See also sancari-bhavas

vyadhi (illness)

in praudha purva-raga ................. 796

vyagrata (impatience)

in praudha purva-raga ................. 796



water and ice

example of ..................................... 11

"Who am I?"

as auspicious question .............. 353

question answered ..................... 375


association to be avoided .. 578, 585

association with, other than wife,

forbidden ................................. 713

grhasta does not associate with .. 578


as always limited ....................... 360

two applications of ................... 319


as evidence for sakti ..................... 332

desire for, as evidence of

saktiman ...................................... 332




as process for Treta-yuga ......... 544


as not path to liberation ........... 411

four-fold path of, explained ..... 411

may be antagonistic to bhakti ... 451


action of, in vraja-lila ...... 695, 699

Yoga-pitha .................................... 446

yutha .................................................... 842

yuthesvaris ........................................... 721


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