Jaya Dhvani

by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja

The sound 'Jaya' is uttered both at the beginning and at the end of Puja to signify praying of Grace of Guru- Vaishnav-Bhagawan. The word 'Jaya' literally indicates to the conquer. May Guru-Visahnav-Bhagwan conquer me - make me their own - grace me - bestow me their service. For devotional performance Grace of Guru - Vaishnav - Bhagawan is essential.

1.Jaya Shree Shree Guru-Gauranga-Gandharvika-Giridhari Jiu Ki! Jaya!

2. Jaya Nityaleelapravishta Om Vishnupad Paramahansa 108 Shree Shreela Bhakti

Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaj Ki! Jaya!

3. Jaya Nityaleelapravishta Om Vishnupad Paramahansa 108 Shree Shreela Bhakti

Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj Ki! Jaya!

4. Jaya Nityaleelapravishta Om Vishnupad Paramahansa 108 Shree Shreela Bhakti

GaurKishor Das Babaji Maharaj Ki! Jaya!

5. Jaya Nityaleelapravishta Om Vishnupad Paramahansa 108 Shree Shreela Bhakti

Sachchidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakur Ki! Jaya!


by HDG Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirha Goswami Maharaj



Satang ninda Namnah param aparadha vitanute

Yatah khayati yatang katamsahate tad vigarham

Vilification of Sadhus is a serious offence. How Krishna can tolerate the censure of Sadhus through whom the glories of the chanting of Holy Name is disseminated.


Harinam will not bestow eternal welfare if

a. By intellect Names, Forms, Attributes, Pastimes of Krishna are thought separate. Transcendental Name and Named are One

b. To consider Siva - demigod distinct from Sri Krishna or one with Sri Krishna. Siva is the dearest devotee of Sri Krishna.



To disregard Guru thinking him to be an ordinary human being.



Vilification of The Vedas.



To consider the glories of Divine Name exggeration - hyperbole.


Harinamni Kalpanam

To think Harinam fictitious (not real).


namno valid yasyaa hi papabudhirnavidyate tasya yamairhi shudhih

Depending on the power of Divine Name if anybody commits sins, he can not be sanctified by penances - 'continence' (yam), 'self-discipline' (Niyam) and breath control (Pranoyam).


'dharma vratatyagahutadisarvashubhakriyasamnyamapi pramadah'

Inadvertence caused by the ignorance of equaling 'Harinam' to all kinds of pious deeds viz. piety, religious vow, renunciation, oblation, etc.


'ashradhadane vimukheapyashrinvati yaschopdeshah shivamaparadha'

To give 'Harinam' Initiation to persons who have got no faith in God, who are averse to God and reluctant to hear about God.


srutvapi nanamahatmyam yah prirahitoadhamah ahamamamadiparamo namni sopyaparadhakrit

Inspite of hearing about the wonferful glories of Harinam, one who has got no liking to do 'Harinam' due to misidentification of self and attachment to physical objects and relations.




jate namaparadhd tu pramada tu kathanchana sada-sankirtanam tade kasharano bhavet

If there be any offence due to inadvertence or by anyother way, take absolute shelter to Harinam and do Harinam always.


namaparadha yuktanam namanyeva harantyagham avishranti-prayuktani tanyebartha karani yat

Doing Harinam with sincerety and earnestness is the remedy of all offences committed by the offender.

Chanting of the Holy Name always uninterruptedly is the only positive remedy of all offences and to attain the highest objective 'Krishna Prema'.

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