Christ & Krishna [Part III]

by Srimati Prtha devi dasi

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I had to consider, am I (are we?) so determined to believe Jesus was a devotee of Krishna or lived in India because for many of us, our religious pasts were either Christian or Jewish, and therefore we have various types of sentimental attachment to this?

It may have its influence but personally, I would not accept anything less than truth. Besides, I am a devotee of Krishna first and foremost. I must tell you, the reader, I am not into the various types of inter-faith religions going on. Though I respect all paths, but this is not me. So as a devotee of Krishna I needed to find out, was Jesus really a pure devotee Vaisnava who lived in India, or do I just like to believe that?

Two significant points can clear this up:

1-Srila Prabhupada mentions Jesus Christ in the Srimad Bhagavatam. These literatures have been predicted to continue for the next 10,000 years. Prabhupada would not go out of his way to put something in there that might fizzle out in time just to please our sentimental attachments, or for that matter, he would not include anything that was not truth! Jesus is in there because he is deserving of a place in the Srimad Bhagavatam. And not only does Prabhupada mention Jesus, but he mentions him repeatedly.

2- Christ was a satktyavesa avatara. Prabhupada points this out, also more than once. That is a very exalted spiritual position! Jesus worshipped Lord Jagannatha and is to be honored as a great Vaishnava (Vaishnava or Vaisnava = Vishnu or Krishna devotee).

We tend to think of the Christians & their religion when we speak of Jesus. However, no one has a monopoly over him. Christ the person, and Christianity the religion, are not always one and the same. With all of its modifications, much of his original teachings have been tampered with or lost. Again, I respect all religions but too often this is not mutual. Therefore we, as devotees, shouldn't have to deny that Jesus traveled and preached in many countries, settled down in India, and was a devotee of Lord Jagannatha/Krishna. We should not have to deny that he was a Vaisnava, and a satktyavesa avatara Vaisnava at that! (Specifically empowered directly by Krishna Himself.)


Pontius Pilate has taken much of the heat for the crucifixion of Christ. What some do not know about him is that he was opposed to the idea. While certainly not a saint, he actually tried very hard to put a stop to the crucifixion in more ways than one. How?

First, Jesus was brought before Pilate by a large crowd of Jewish priests and elders of the people (Matt 27:1) petitioning Jesus to be put to death. Thus, Pilate had to listen to Christ's side of the story. After hearing from him, he realized this was no ordinary person! Pilate did not want to crucify him, and recognized the enviousness of those who brought him there. (“For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.”) Yet these priests, etc., were determined! Pilate was also a politician. What to do?

Next, he approached the citizens. Utilizing a custom that existed which allowed the people to pick and release one prisoner, Pontius Pilate took advantage of it and made this offer. They could release either Barabbas or Jesus. They picked Barabbas! Giving them choice between the two also helped him realize the consciousness of the people. But did he agree?

Pilate next made an arrangement regarding the time of day Christ was to be crucified. Why would time matter? According to Jewish law anyone punished by death is not to remain hanging on the day of Sabbath. Therefore, Pilate arranged the crucifixion to take place as close to the Sabbath as possible. In this way Jesus would not have to hang from the cross long enough to assuredly cause death. Upon the nearing of the Sabbath, they would be required to take him down.

Upon initial Biblical examination, it may appear to be a little confusing what that timing was. However, give just a few moments and this will be cleared up.

Mark tells us that Jesus was crucified at the third hour (Mark 15: 25).

Mark and Matthew claim Jesus died on the cross upon the ninth hour (Mark 15: 33-37).

In their opinions, Jesus remained on the cross for six hours.

However, Luke points out Jesus died at the sixth hour (Luke 23: 44-46), which means that he would have been on the cross for only three hours.

Expert Dr. Fida Hassnain has explained:

“During ancient times, among the Jews, a day was counted from sunrise, so the third hour could be 9 am, the sixth hour 12 noon and the ninth hour 3 pm. Taking together the information given in the Gospels, I would be inclined to chalk out the events of the day as follows:

“9 am (third hour): the case against Jesus presented before Pilate. Discussions until the sixth hour (12 noon) when final orders were given;

“12 noon (sixth hour): Jesus was put on the cross at Golgotha;

“3 pm (ninth hour): Jesus Christ was taken for dead and was allowed to be taken down from the cross. Thus it seems possible that Jesus remained on the cross for three hours only, because it was both the day before the Sabbath and also the day of preparation for the Passover.” ~ A Search for the Historical Jesus

Actually, which of the two lengths of time presented are not so important. What IS important is that Jesus still was removed from the cross considerably sooner than was the norm! It appears Pilate intentionally arranged the crucifixion in such a way that Christ could survive. Jesus may have been unconscious, but too much evidence indicates he was still alive.

In addition, it's worth mentioning that due to our lack of experience and therefore knowledge of crucifixion as punishment, we are unaware that sometimes a crucified man would survive! However, I do not wish to spend much time on that here on this site. Feel free to research it on the net. Ample scientific evidence is there!

What follows is interesting. After a crucifixion which was shortly before the Sabbath, to assure the man was dead or could not survive, soldiers would break their legs. This is always performed under such circumstances. Yet, the legs of Christ were not broken. However, it was customary, and there is no record that it was ever avoided, except in the case of Jesus. (The legs on the Shroud also were not broken.) Jeses would be in need of his legs to walk out of there when he healed. Therefore, if the soldier thought Jesus was dead, why would he still put a lance through the left side to "test" for death? Could it be that Pilate issued orders that would not allow the breaking of Christ's legs? While we can't say 100% for certain, and find it intriguing that this has never before been the case with the exception of Jesus, there are additional, various accumulations of evidence proving Jesus survived the crucifixion, including scientifically.


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By now most people know something about the Shroud of Turin. And if you are reading "this" web page, you especially know. :-) However, there remain different opinions. Some insist it was indeed the cloth that covered the body of Christ when he was removed from the cross, while others insist it's a fake. More facts are needed.

First and from the point of view of the Shroud as a fake or intended replica by a trickster, one must note that the Shroud is in 3-D. This is a very important point, because even if it were a replica, such a replication would have been made long ago, as the Shroud has been scientifically proven to be extremely old. Even the nonbelievers accept this. Therefore, with our all of our advancement in technology, modern camera's only record light variations and intensities of reflected light, whereas the Shroud contains distance information within it. There is no camera or photograph having the ability to record distance from film to subject.

Add to that, if someone were to try to paint a replica, it would be literally impossible. An artist always steps back from their canvas to view what they are doing, if it's turning out as desired, etc. This means removing oneself by one - two meters for accuracy. Since the image on the Shroud is revealed by standing a significant distance, an artist would require a paint brush that was abnormally long (clumsy) AND the ability to hold it firm in order to paint very fine lines on cloth (not smooth canvas), as the Shroud contains distinct detail. Furthermore, 'album' has been scientifically proven in area's where scourge marks occurred, so our medieval trickster would need to include serum albumin as part of the paint, which only shows up under ultra-violet light, thus invisible paint. How would someone even know to include this invisible medium during an era where there were no ultra violet lights, no concern it might be 'checked' or examined for authenticity under such a light? What to speak of the lack of medical, anatomical knowledge at the time. The Shroud is completely, medically accurate. --- The list goes on.

Secondly, is it possible that, due to preconceived ideas that the person of the Shroud was all ready dead, most (though not all) scientists have a problem with how the Shroud image was created? Thus, their attachment to this belief has thrown off their data.

Thirdly, we can note that the markings on the Shroud correspond to specific descriptions in the Bible about the (horrendous!) beatings and persecution of Jesus Christ. I believe there is ample proof this is the Shroud of Christ. However, I wish to warn the reader that the evidence about to be presented may be verbally graphic, creating pictures within the mind of what this great Vaisnava, son of God, experienced. Upon my first read, it was difficult. (Though I reduced some of the gory details here.) For those of weak stomach, you can skip this part and still get a good idea via scientific facts that this Shroud belonged to Jesus simply by reading the following section, "BURST OF LIGHT - IS IT ASCENSION?" ......... With that said, I will now post some serious details. (You have been warned.)

When comparing the injuries left behind on the Shroud, it has an uncanny resemblance to those described in the Bible describing that which Jesus went through. What follows are summaries from examiners of STURP or "Shroud of Turin Research Project."

BLOWS TO THE FACE - The Shroud reveals swelling under the right eye, swelling on right cheek, etc. The same as Biblical descriptions of the soldiers abuses upon Christ, bludgeoning his face. (Correlates with: Matthew 27.30) ~ [Slightly below see: "Interesting Point About The Number 'Three' On Shroud's Face."]

WHIP - The person in the Shroud had over 29 wwhipp marks on the back and front of his body, some on the chest, but especially notable in the shoulder and back areas, indicating that this person was facing the column while being scourged. There are no marks on the forearms indicating that his arms were tied above him. The markings are characteristic of Roman flagrum - an instrument of torture, and it was a horrid instrument at that. Visible on the Shroud are approximately 60 strokes or 120 wounds, from scourging. (Correlates with: Matthew 27:26)

BLOODIED WHIP MARKINGS - At that time, one who was to be crucified had to carry their own cross to be crucified upon, causing the whippings to next become more bloodied. On the right shoulder of the Shroud there is blood from a wound of 10 x 9 cm. (Correlates with: Matthew.27:32)

BLOODIED FRONT and BACK of HEAD - There is blood on the head area of the Shroud, especially on the front and back of the head, thus thorns. Remember, not all who underwent crucifixion wore thorns. This was specially made for Christ - to humiliate him. (Correlates with: Matthew 27:29)

NAIL WOUNDS - While many think Christ had nails through his palms, it was later discovered he had them through his wrists. Makes sense, as nails through the hands would not be strong enough to hold one up and could cause ripping/breaking, then the person would fall off the cross. The Shroud has nail wounds (blood) spurting from the wrists area's. Three nails - one for each wrist and one nail through both feet - are blood stain evidence of the Shroud. (Correlates with: John 20:25)

KNEES & LEGS - Both knees have wounds (from carrying a ccross?); the right one is worse. (Jesus fell three times before he reached Calvary.) The Shroud also shows knee damage similar to that of falling - as one would have after going limp when removed from a cross. However, there were no injuries found on the upper or lower legs of the person in the Shroud; also according to the Bible there were no injuries to Christ's legs. Which, by the way, was unusual. More on that later. (Correlates with: John 19: 31-37)

HEART & RIGHT SIDE- A thin line on the shroud shows where blood from the nail wound in the right hand flowed along the right arm when the hand was un-nailed. Dead, dry blood does not run. Thus, another piece of evidence that Christ's heart was still active when he was lowered from the cross. In addition, the Shroud provides further proof where the lance the Roman soldier used to test Jesus as dead. Stains of blood show the lance pierced the right side of the chest between the fifth and sixth rib of the Shroud, with blood marking on the Shroud at an angle of twenty-nine degrees, revealing an oval wound like a sword or lance would make. This means that the lance passed close to the heart but did not damage it, thus the "blood and water" John describes that flowed from the wound could not have come from the heart. However slightly, the heart was still beating! Had the lance pierced the left side, it would have struck the heart. But through the right, it missed it. The Bible describes a lance put through the right side of Christ. (Correlates with: John 19:34)

The height of the person of the Shroud is 6 feet tall and he is of Jewish decent.

[INTERESTING POINT ABOUT THE NUMBER "THREE" ON SHROUD'S FACE - The STURP investigator's discovered the forehead held blood similar to that of the number "three." Chances of this happening in such a determined way and under such circumstances makes them wonder if it was mystical. Blood, which had been on the skin for a minimum of an hour, stayed fluid enough to be absorbed by cloth (Shroud). Unusual. Blood on skin congeals fifteen - twenty minutes, forming a hard, crust non-absorbable to cloth. Only due to heart activity can blood be pumped to the surface if there is no interference. While the continued flow of blood proves there was activity of the heart, why did it create this form they refer to as "number three?" Could it be an Aum on the face of he who is known as the "Anointed one?" What is also interesting, if someone wanted to apply to their face Om tilaka, essential oil, sandalwood paste, etc., this is the correct direction to put it. In other words, it's not backwards at all, and even appears to have the rest of the aum marking. To clarify, however, it's not that I am claiming this is definitely what it is. No. Merely that it is a worthwhile possibility most Christians will not allow examined. We know that Christ did, after all, live in India, as you will soon see.]

Did the person in the Shroud leave this world? When I was a child I remember asking my mother, "How do they know for sure when a person is dead?" I did not want anyone prematurely diagnosed, taken away or buried. She explained to me that a body is not always dead even if it has stopped breathing, so a doctor is called in to make sure.

We have all heard stories of people considered to be 'gone' because they stopped breathing, only to 'wake up' and shock everyone! Let us remember that at the time of the crucifixion, first century, many were not as knowledgeable about such things.

Even the average Joe or Jane knows more now than most did in the first century. For example, we all understand that a dead body does not bleed, that blood can not be released from wounds onto a cloth if the body is dead. But what about bleeding from the initial infliction of the wounds? Basically, it takes time to get someone down from a cross and into a cave. The wounds would have coagulated by than. Had Christ left his body completely, these stains would not have appeared on the Shroud. It is highly probably that Jesus survived, coupled with, his own disciples said his body was not capable of decaying.

When thorns around the head of a living being are removed, blood starts to spurt out. When thorns around the head of a dead person are removed, nothing comes out. Fresh blood is evidence that a heart is still pumping. However slight, it is still alive and doing it's job. Consider that blood cannot flow uphill without a pump, and the Shroud has blood stains in the head area, and a stream of blood flowed down each side of his forehead. Additionally, when a heart stops beating for a time, the veins somewhat constrict, making it even more difficult for blood to 'flow.'

Similarly, this would apply to the entire body -- a dead one would not leave any blood stains behind. The Shroud has many blood stains from different body area's. Nor does cloth take up and absorb dried, coagulated blood, but only that of fresh blood. A body not only tortured before the cross and on the cross, but even after, as taking him down resulted in pulling and stretching of various ligaments, muscles, and so on, resulted in reopening of wounds thus the bleeding started all over again. That is impossible from a dead body with no heart pump and therefore no blood pressure to push it through.

If this is not sufficiently convincing (thought it should be!), or if you are simply curious, you can get more details from STURP's website:

"Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have." Luke 24:39


Many claim that the existence of the Shroud is evidence that Jesus Christ did indeed ascend, releasing a burst of light and radiation which caused the image to be formed on the Shroud, and that this has not been scientifically explained away.

Others, though still believing this is the shroud of Jesus the Christ, simultaneously believe Jesus did not die on the cross, and that there is a scientific yet natural explanation regarding the making of the image on the Shroud. Matter of fact, the markings can also be evidence that Jesus survived the crucifixion!

This idea, of course -- a burst of light/ radiation is said to have released thermal neutrons which in turn caused the image. That is the theory. Some may feel let down to find out otherwise. But isn't truth better? Wouldn't it be fascinating to learn about the kind of life Jesus lived? He must have had so much more to teach! And how much more advanced knowledge we could learn! Obviously, I believe Christ lived, though I do not deny this anywhere on my web site at all. But I wanted significant proof.

The discover of Dr. Garza-Valdes reveals it is a scientific yet natural process that produced this image of Christ. Over the centuries there has been the development of a very thin coating that accumulated on the Shroud, the result of bacteria fungi build-up into hard casings. The darker areas on the image grew faster, and it was the darker areas that contained more natural deposits of these bioplastic coatings. Concentrations of “sweat, salt, oils, blood, and urea” would be higher in places of the Shroud that had touched his body, and lower in areas of the Shroud did not, thus pointing out that the image was made by “a relative deposit of bioplastic coating.” This coating had not been previously discovered due to its invisibility.

Also as a result, previous 'carbon dating' claims that the Shroud could not be Christ's because it was not quite old enough, has been proven incorrect. The carbon dating had been tested more-so on the (contaminated) coatings (hundreds of years old) and therefore not sufficiently on the Shroud cloth (thousands). Or rather, a mixture of the two, but not on the unaltered Shroud itself.

It does appear possible that Jesus could indeed have survived his ordeal of crucifixion with the Shroud as evidence that Jesus lived. Many believe essential oils, etc., were administered to Jesus within the cave (Jewish tradition is to wrap a dead body in a cloth or shroud, then lay them separate for three days). Though he came close to passing over, very close, he pulled out of it. After all, he was a healer himself! He raised the dead and healed the Lepers. Between that and the service that his disciples administered herbs and so on, it becomes believable that Jesus did not die on the cross.

It's also very feasible that he would not want to return to a land where people did such things to him! And to take advantage of the fact that many thought he was dead, thus he could move on to safer lands.


The resurrection is often a misunderstanding, or to be honest, what the church decided everyone must believe. To explain the details of how the Church has changed much of the Bible, including this, would take more space than I can give here. (See my first link, below.) Though it can be noted that some verses are bona fide while others are not. How do we know what is accurate? Generally, it is best to back it up with other evidence, such as that of science and various scriptures and books of the world, which has been done on this site and can be found elsewhere on the net. Therefore it is acceptable to use some Biblical verses which are in synch with science and the knowledge of others.

With that said, if any resurrection took place it would be that of such a pure soul to put up with, and survive such an ordeal, yet remain determined to preach! Some Christians fear it is an offense to even think Christ was not resurrected and did not ascend. This is not so. It would be more of an offense to deny all the great spiritual works he was facilitated to do through living after the crucifixion. After all, eventually he would pass over and go to God anyhow, he just did it later.

Now, the usual Jewish custom is to put the dead body into a grave and burry it as quickly as possible. This was not the case with Jesus. Instead he was laid in a spacious sepulchre. It provided sufficient air for breathing. Next, the entrance was blocked by a big rock. If Jesus wanted to leave the tomb, and was in the form of spirit, he could just float over it, above it, go through it, or take any other root out of the sepulchre. However, it has been made very clear that Jesus "moved" the stone. Only one who is alive would need to physically move the stone in order to exit the sepulchre.

"And [Joseph of Arimathaea] brought fine linen, and took [Jesus] down, and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre.
And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus beheld where he was laid.
And when the sabath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.
And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.
And they said among themselves, Who Shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.
And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in long white garment, and they were afright.
And he saith unto them, Be not afrightened; Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified; he is risen, he is not here, behold the place where they laid him.
But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you." (Mark 15:46-7, 16:17-1)

The statement that the THREE women went into the tomb indicates how LARGE it must have been. Therefore, providing facility for Jesus to breathe and heal as well as receive visitors to apply herbs, etc., to his wounds.

Looking at John 19:9 we get an idea of the person who tended to the wounds of Christ just may have been Nicodemus.

"Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.

And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight." John 19.9

A hundred pounds of herbs? That certainly is more than could possibly pass for any Jewish burial custom. For that matter, there was no such custom. Then why a hundred pounds of herbs? To heal Christ's wounds, of course! And he did so with a special ointment. This has become a well known ointment called the Marham-I-Isa or the Jesus Ointment.

To continue:

"And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we are fond false witness of God: because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ; whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not." (I Corinthians 14: 14-15)

Therefore, it is understood Christ had not risen, unfortunately letting it effect their faith. However, one need not rise to prove purity. Thus, Jesus wounds had significantly improved and having left the sepulchre, he fled from his enemies and began the next step of his mission on earth.

Thus, when healed, Christ walked out of the sepulchre. He first met up with Mary Magdalene and her companion. They were on their way to inform his disciples that they had found Christ's tomb empty; that they had been told by an angel Jesus had risen and as on his way to Galilee: Yes, he rose, because he lived, he rose. As everything he did was spiritual.

"And they departed quickly from the sepulcher with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying , All hail. And they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him.

Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid; go tell my brethern that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me." Matthew 28:8-10

Notice the fear of the women, and Christ's endeavors to relieve them of this anxiety. It appears the ladies were frightened someone would discover Jesus.

Also notice Christ's plan to go on a sixty mile journey to Galilee. Although he sometimes would meet up with his disciples; he always made sure he was in a safe place and where they would not be noticed. All of this suggests that Jesus continued on not as spirit, but alive and that he took great pains to avoid discovery or or arrest.

Is there any more proof the Bible can offer us that Jesus survived the crucifixion, considering so few verses support this concept, probably due to human tampering? Well, they missed a few. One of the most clear verses is that of Luke 24: 36-9:

"And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace by unto you. But hey were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and feet that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit hath no flesh and bones, as ye see me have."

Dr. Herbert Haag's Bible Lexicon points out:

"Christ's visible ascent from the Mount of Olives, forty days after his resurrection, is related by Luke at the beginning of the Acts and summerized at the end of his gospel (Luke 24:51). It is not possible to consider the first of these accounts as a later interpolation, as some critics would like, for the literary structure of Acts 1:1-11 is entirely in accord with the theory that Luke wrote the whole work. Nor is it possible to argue that Acts 1:2 and Luke 14:51 should not contain any reference to the Ascension at all because the fact that certain manuscripts of the western family omit it seems to be owing to later omissions of the text. Therefore, it is Luke himself who is the source of both accounts, and who, after briefly mentioning the Ascension at the end of his gospel, goes on to tell us, at the beginning of Acts, that forty days elapsed between the Resurrection and the Ascension."

Look down two verses in Luke and you will discover that Jesus is hungry - spirit does not get hungry. The living get hungry.

And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye any met?
And they gave him a piece of broiled fish, and of a honeycomb,
And he took it and did eat before them.

[NOTE: he took "IT" singular. He did not take the meat because as the next verse explains, he accepted the good and refused the evil. This is better explained on my first web site, below.]

In John we read that Jesus showed his disciples his wounds and that he allowed Thomas to touch them:

"Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless but believing." John 20:27

Jesus walked out of the tomb, he rolled away the entrance rock himself, he ate honeycomb, made arrangements for his disciples to meet him in Galilee, showed wounds, and left that place in secret. Things a spirit does not do.

What some may find surprising is that the idea of Resurrection and Ascension did not originate from Christianity. When Jesus walked the earth it was a common pre-Christian belief. For anyone to be considered qualified as a great, saintly person, their life experiences had to duplicate that belief. Therefore, they generally had to be born of a virgin, in humble surroundings (a stable, prison cell, tiny room, cave, etc.), could heal, made it clear they came to preach and save souls, experienced temptation and passed the test, descended into hell only to rise out of it, there had to be some form of death or murder sent upon them to which they next had to prove their greatness through Resurrection and Ascension to God. These were requirements at that time if anyone was to be given qualified recognition as a savior. Thus, to try to "make" Christ fit as savior, this last bit was artificially tagged onto him, for the sake of 'preaching.' It is sad really, that they could not accept he was the savior without the requirement of such a young death leading to Resurrection and Ascension, but we can know this is not needed to prove anything. That Christ survived the crucifixion does not take away from his greatness one iota.

Eventually Jesus had to leave dangerous Palestine. However, he was not finished. He knew he still had his mission to fulfill. On to saving the lost children of Israel and, of all places, India!


Once I mentioned to a friend that Jesus traveled to many lands and his teachings were not limited to the Bible. She is a devotee of Lord Krishna and therefore open to this, but she asked the natural question most folks would. "Why didn't anyone see him?" My reply? "They did!" :-)

There were many eye-witnesses as well as those who personally spoke with Jesus, recorded; and many scrolls of his words. Simply, the information has been repressed.

First, let's look at Christ's presence at Jagannatha Puri, India where worship of Lord Jagannatha (Krishna) is number one. That Christ was there is not only documented in The Aquarian Gospel, but is also within the scripture known at the Hemis.

Christ's presence in India is additionally mentioned in the Bhavishya Purana, further described below. However, if more evidence is needed, there are other documents of proof that Jesus was, indeed, in India:

Bagh-i-Sulaiman (Persia)
Book of Balauhar and Budasaf (Buddhist)

Grugtha Thams Chand (Tibet)
Acta Thomae (Christian)

Bhavishya Purana (India)

Why do we find it so shocking, so hard to believe, that Jesus visited many lands, as well as lived in India? Could this be due to the fact of our own indoctrination by Christians of the fundamentalists or conventionalists (and not all Christian) religion? They have a hard time accepting these facts about Christ and will do whatever they can to brush it under the rug. Nor can they imagine Jesus sitting in a meditation pose, or reading the Vedas! It shakes their faith. Yet true followers of Christ will not question his activities, even if they initially find them not what they had expected. The sincere will investigate and when they see the truth, as there is so much evidence that Christ did indeed live in India, the real Christians will accept.

And some do! However, it remains a sad reality that the average church-goer, and especially the fundamentalists, will never accept. Add to that the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican, the many documents they keep under lock and key, sealed from the public so they can continue to propagate "their" idea of Christ as "the" idea -- thus we have all been conditioned to believe it too, in one way or another. Even the Hindus' and those of Jewish decent. For that matter, even the athiests.

Let us not buy into the myth. Christ was certainly able, and had facility, to travel and preach widely as well as settle down in India. Again, this is not said on a whim but based on documents as well as eye witnesses. One would think a Christian would be proud to own this aspect of Christ. Some are. They are called Essense's.

It is not that I necessarily agree that the Essense's have it cent per cent accurate, but they are the closest to it. At least they are respectful and do not refer to Hindus, Muslims or Jews as Heathens or Pagans.

Here's a look at just a few of the of the other documents about Jesus in various lands.


This is a historical Persian literature. It gives a wonderful description of Christ:

“Jesus (on whom be peace) was named the “Messiah” because he was a great traveler. He wore a woolen scarf on his head and a woolen cloak on his body. He had a stick in his hand; he used to wander from country to country and from city to city. At nightfall he would stay where he was. He ate jungle vegetables, drank jungle water, and went on his travels on foot. His companions, in one of his travels, once bought a horse for him; he rode the horse one day, but as he could not make any provision for the feeding of the horse, he returned it. Journeying from his country, he arrived at Nasibain. With him were a few of his disciples whom he sent into the city to preach. In the city, however, there were current wrong and unfounded rumors about Jesus (on whom be peace) and his mother. The governor of the city, therefore, arrested the disciples and then summoned Jesus. Jesus miraculously healed some persons and exhibited other miracles. The king of the territory of Nasibain, therefore, with all his armies and his people, became a follower of his. The legend of the ‘coming down of food’ contained in the Holy Quran belongs to the days of his travels.”

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This is a Buddhist book. The name Yuz Asaf is the same Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was considered to have Buddhist-like enlightenment by them and so you may notice his name for this place of his preaching is similar to Bud-Asaf. According to Bhagavad-gita, the pure devotee preaches according to time, place and circumstances. In this way people are gradually elevated without much irritation to the mind.

The reader will notice the various names used by Christ. It appears he accepted a name according to his position and in accordance to the country he was preaching in. Certainly this would help the people relate better. What is most interesting is that the names he preferred and kept have roots in the more ancient languages, Hebrew (he was, after all, meant to be the savior of the Jews), and Sanskrit (he also was a Vaisnava - a devotee of Krishna.) And so we see that whenever he had the opportunity to use or add the name "Isa" (pronounced Isha), which Bhagavad-gita defines as "God" or the "Supreme Being," he chose that name. Though we also need to note that he included various additives to show he was the "servant" of God, such as Isa-Messiah, which is similar to Isa-das (servant of Isa/God). Now sometimes he used other additives, also according to time, place and circumstance. But these were his favorites.


Many may be surprised to learn that followers of the Muslim religion are believers in Jesus Christ. There are some differences, but much is alike. For example, it is believed Jesus is son of God, left this world on the cross, and there will be a second coming where he will reestablish the original faith - Islam.

Just for the record, Allah is not a name of God, but the word "God." If you were to look this up in an Arabic-to-English dictionary, that would be the only way to find a listing for the word "God."

Next, the (basic) differences are that God made a switch at the crucifixion, pulling Judas into the place of Christ, and raising Christ to the heavens directly from the cross. Of course, there are many other differences as well.

The question arises, "How did those of Muslim decent learn of Jesus?" Because he traveled there too, preached there too. His actual presence is logged in their scripture.

The Holy Quran is their first book and of utmost importance (which includes mention of Jesus), followed by Sunnah or as we understand it, Saddhana (spiritual practice). Then, the Hadith, second book, a book of sayings by Muhammad where he also mentions Jesus Christ. Thus it appears the distaste some Muslims have toward Christians is not about Christ at all, but toward fundamental Christianity.

In the Muslim religion, the first prophet of importance is Mohamed, and next is Jesus Christ, who they sometimes refer to as "Imam Mahdi." Others claim they are two separate personalities, though it appears the general consensus is that it's Jesus. Ultimately it doesn't matter in one sense, as the Muslim belief is that both are suppose to come again and restore true religiosity.

There are many verses giving reference to Christ. Since the Muslims are also in a debate regarding whether Christ lived or not after the Crucifixion, I am not here to show what their scriptures reveal. I only wish to show that Jesus is mentioned within their scripture and he therefore traveled through their country. I will just put some verses here, as there are quite a few.

“Behold! God said: ‘O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee of the falsehoods of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the day of Resurrection. Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.” 1 (Quran, Chapter 3, v. 54 -- Yusuf Ali English translation)

“And because of their saying (in boast) ‘We killed Messiah Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah,’ but they killed him not, nor crucified him. But the resemblance of Isa (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man)” (Hilali & Khan translation)

From the Hadith: “What will be your reaction when the son of Mary (Jesus) descends and your Imam [leader] is from among yourselves?”

Srila Prabhupada was a child at a time when Hindus and Muslims lived side by side in peace, with mutual respect for each others religion. It was not until the invasion of the British and a scheme by them, that problems arose. (Though let us remember this was the British of another mentality. And a devotee in England is, after all, a devotee! Thus not under such bodily concepts.) As a child, Prabhupada lived close enough that he would hear the bells of the Mosque ring and his father, also a pure devotee, would make nice comments about them.

" 'You can chant the name of Allah also. Not necessarily that you have to chant the Krsna name, but any name indicating the Supreme Lord can be chanted.' Because in the sastra it is said, harer nama, harer nama, the holy name of the Lord. But it must be the name of the Lord. Actually, Krsna has thousands of names, and His names are enumerated by His activities. Just like Krsna accepted to become the son of mother Yasoda; therefore He is called Yasoda-nandana. Krsna accepted Vasudeva as His father, or Nanda Maharaja; therefore He is called Nanda-nandana, Vasudeva, or Devaki-nandana. Krsna acted as the charioteer of Arjuna; He is called Partha-sarathi. So Krsna's name means attached with the activities along with His devotees. This is Krsna's name. So if the Muhammadans' aim the Supreme Lord, Allah akbar, "God the great..." Just like we say Parabrahma. Brahman means the biggest, brhatvat brhannatvat. On account of being very big, including everything, that God's another name is Parabrahma. Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan. Arjuna addressed Krsna as Parabrahma. So Allah akbar means Parabrahma." ~ Srila Prabhupada Arrival Lecture, Calcutta India, March 20, 75

If everything you have read so far on my web site is not convincing enough (again, it should be!), or if you are just curious, you can read details at:


Much of the overall information on Jesus and his experiences with Buddhism have been covered on my previous web page, Christ and Krishna (see link below). However, since the topic of this particular site is also about the wide traveling of Jesus, more is included here.

And so we can start with Nicholas Notovitch and his discovery of documents that gave reference to the same Lord Jesus Christ he had worshiped in church. What makes his discovery of the Isa (Jesus) documents so potent is that he was not out to promote any religion and for that matter, he merely "bumped into" them!

While in India, Notovitch rode by horseback to a Buddhist monastery (a place called Mulbek near the Wakha River) where he met a monk. In casual conversation this monk informed him they too believe in the son of God, Jesus, whom they call Isa, and that there are documents/scrolls of Isa's spoken word written down in Tibet. THIS is what spurred Notovitch's curiosity, thus he had to ask exactly where these documents were to be found. Now, he had initially planned on returning to Europe, so we can again see he was not on this trip to prove any religious faith. It was only upon hearing this from the monk that Notovoch next postponed his return, in order to see if he could get a look at the documents himself. Which he did.

Some claim Notovitch was never there and the scrolls are a fabrication. First let us point out that in later years Swami Abhedenanda, having heard about such discoveries, traveled to this same Monastery and there he found the documents, which he too had translated. What's interesting is how his translations are so much alike as those of Notovitch. Thus they are obviously the same documents. Yet skeptics or those who fear this will hurt their religion, still disbelieve.

In time a Catholic priest visited. He asked the monks if he could borrow the Isa documents, to which these innocent monks gave permission. Needless to say, the priest stole them, and now it "appears" they were never there. Did he keep them personally? Are they in the Vatican? Did he destroy this jewel? We may never know. Regardless, if the endeavor was to wipe out any scripture about Jesus other than their own, it would never work since there is plenty of documentation of the preaching of Christ in many countries. And some say there is still documentation of Christ in Tibet, but in most cases the monks will not allow others access to them. They don't want anything else stolen! However, Notovitch was not the only person to view the Hemis documents. A significant number of others have seen them too.

With that said and returning to Notovitch, while on horseback near the Hemis Monastery, he broke his leg. Therefore Buddhists monks took care of him as well as brought to his bedside, the Isa documents, with a translator, and Notovitch took notes! Many of which can be found on my first web page as well as the Aquarian Gospel, above. From his book, "The Unknown Life Of Jesus Christ"' here are a few of his notes:

"It was then that Issa clandestinely left his father's house, went out of Jerusalem, and, in company with some merchants, traveled toward Sindh, that he might perfect himself in the divine word and study the laws of the great Buddhas. In the course of his fourteenth year, young Issa, blessed by God, journeyed beyond the Sindh and settled among the Aryas in the beloved country of God. The fame of his name spread along the Northern Sindh. When he passed through the country of the five rivers and the Radjipoutan, the worshippers of the God Djaine (Buddhism) begged him to remain in their midst.

"But he left the misguided admirers of Djaine and visited Juggernaut, in the province of Orsis, where the remains of Viassa-Krichna rest, and where he received a joyous welcome from the white priests of Brahma.

"They taught him to read and understand the Vedas, to heal by prayer, to teach and explain the Holy Scripture, to cast out evil spirits from the body of man and give him back human semblance. He spent six years in Juggarnaut, Rajegriha, Benares, and the other holy cities; all loved him, for Issa lived in peace with the Vaisyas and the Soudras, to whom he taught the Holy Scripture.

As explained, Jesus was not found of the kali-yuga caste system and preached strongly against it:

"For on the day of the Last Judgment, the Soudras and the Vaisyas shall be forgiven because of their ignorance, while God shall visit his wrath on them that have arrogated his rights.' The Unknown Life of Jesus, N. Notovitch.

Good point! :) Anyway, Jesus had to move on, though later to return to India. But first he traveled to Gothamide where he learned the Pali language and studied Buddhist literature. It can be discovered that many of the Biblical quotes and parables from Jesus had much in common with Buddhism, incredibly so. Many Christians feel threatened by this, but there really is no need to. We often forget, the guru is smarter then we are. :-) Thus, Jesus was perfectly capable of extracting what he found agreeable and accurate from Buddhist teachings without accepting their ideas of no God or at best, a void One. Yet Jesus was always respectful. Though as you will read in my 2nd link 'Christ and Krishna' on the Aquarian Gospel, there were some very definite concepts of Buddhism Jesus argued. With that said, I hope I have dispelled any fears or just concerns about similarities between Christ, the Bible and Buddhism. It's nothing to worry about.

Therefore, let's take a look at just a few of those similarities, which one can't help but wonder, if there are more (and there are!), Jesus must have studied Buddhist doctrines. Being wise, he 'dovetailed' what he learned from them into Bhakti Yoga, or in Christian terminology, love & devotion to God. Step number one of any spiritual realization process requires getting off the bodily concept of life and then one can connect to spiritual life.

"Shame on you Pharisees! For you clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are full of greed and incontinence. Foolish Pharisees! Clean the inside and the outside will also be clean. Shame on you Pharisees! For you love the front seats in the assemblies and greetings in the marketplaces. Shame on you! For you are like graves, outwardly beautiful, but full of pollution inside."

"What is the use of your matted hair, O witless man? What is the use of your antelope skin garment? Within, you are full of passions; without, you embellish yourself." (Dh 26:394).

"No man can serve two masters. Either he hates the one and loves the other, or he is loyal to one and despises the other. You cannot serve God and wealth [mammon]"

"Surely, the path that leads to worldly gain in one, and the path that leads to Nibbana is another; understanding this, the Bhikkhu, the disciple of the Buddha, should not rejoice in worldly favors, but cultivate detachment." (Dh 5:75)

"Because of that I say this: Whoever is emptied will be filled with light; but whoever is divided will be filled with darkness."

"A wise man renounces evil and sensual pleasure and he does all meritorious work in order to attain Nibbana. He becomes a homeless one" (Dh 6:87)

"He who wishes to follow me must know himself and bear my yoke."

"The Bhikkhu who, while still young, devotes himself to the Buddha's Teaching, illuminates this world like the moon freed from a cloud" (Dh 25:382)

Now, wherever Jesus traveled to, regardless of country, he continued to preach equal rights and defend people who were being repressed. He had equal vision. Bhagavad-gita describes one of equal vision as saintly.

Unfortunately most of the priests of the world, in nearly every country he visited, did not have this equal vision. Therefore Jesus quarreled with all of them, thus many ran him off. He was often humiliated as well as put himself in harms way, yet he continued to preach his belief: (aham brahmasmi) you are not your body/caste but pure spirit soul, there is only One God & He is personal, pray/chant or sing His glories!

And so in time, Jesus took his people to the Promised Land where even he settled down. Well, he moved there, but he never quieted down. And we are glad for that.


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Most readers will probably be surprised about some very strong evidence revealing the Promised Land Jesus spoke about was Kashmir, India. But why would Jesus select that place?

It's almost commonly accepted now that ten lost Jewish tribes found their way to Afghanistan and Kashmir, India. And Kashmir was particularly friendly toward the Jewish people. Wasn't Christ the Messiah? Was not his direct mission from God/Krishna to take care of the Jewish people? What better place, at that time, than peaceful Kashmir! Of course, kali-yuga has changed much of the peace there. Remember that we are speaking of how the India/n people would have treated them a good 2,000 years ago, thus at a time when there was significantly less progression of kali-yuga!

According the the Bible, Matthew 10: 5-6, Jesus did indeed instruct his disciples to: "Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Many now believe these 'lost sheep" Christ was speaking of were not 'fallen' disciples, etc., but they were actually "lost" -- The Ten Lost Jewish tribes that had been scattered away.

Thus in Jerusalem, Christ's disciples met together to follow through on their guru's instruction and preach his message to the remaining Jewish tribes, dividing the countries up between themselves. Thomas specifically was assigned to India. That he went there is an accepted fact even by modern day Christians. In India where he is known to have been (various places), his presence and writings are still recognized amongst the people.

Next, there were quite a few pure devotees or great saints of similar religious teachings at that time who now have 'samadhi's' in Kashmir, India. For example, Moses, Aaron, Solomon and Jesus -- yes, they all have samadhi's there. IIt'ss a fact. You can visit some of them to this day. Thus, more evidence.

While the Hindu custom is cremation -- not burial (and I use the word 'Hindu' loosely because Hinduism is not Krishna consciousness, but for simplicity we will leave it at that), when it comes to great saints, they are never cremated! Only the common man or woman is cremated, but yogi's, saints and pure devotees of the Lord are not. It is understood that such great souls go into a heightened and enlightened state of consciousness before passing over to the spiritual word. This consciousness is called "samadhi." Thus, their bodies are kept here on earth in what some may call a tomb, but we call (transcendental) samadhi. In this way everyone can continue to reap benefit from them. (What mercy!) We have all heard about miracles when someone touched a sacred garment worn by a saint, their 'tomb' (samadhi!), prayed in their 'presence,' or something else. And when the miracle is not obvious or external, it is often a miracle of the soul.

With that said... God specifically ordered Moses to journey opposite and past Jordan, to go East, beyond the Euphrates/Jordan River. Upon arriving, God made Moses see it was the Promise Land. "Get thee up unto the top of Pisgah and lift up thine eyes, westward and northward and southward and eastward and behold it with thine eyes, for thou shalt not go over this Jordan."

It appears that Moses was standing on the East bank of the Jordan/Euphrates River because at that time the Eastern border of Palestine touched the Jordan River. He than proceeded to go in the direction of the East, avoiding Palestine completely. Thus Palestine was NOT the Promise Land.

In Deuteronomy 34 of the Bible, it gives reference to five places of the tomb/samadhi of Moses. All of those five descriptions point to the valley in Kashmir.

Deuteronomy 44 of Chapter IV on, refers to the Land of Promise God will grant them after their deliverance from captivity. There are three places mentioned. Beth-peor, Heshbon and Pisgah. Mount Nebo is also mentioned in another place and in conjunction with Beth-peor.

Many theologins and scholars alike deny the exact place of the current Promise Land based on no physical evidence. That's because they have gone into this examination with the preconceived idea it was to be found within Palestine. They are looking in all the wrong places! The Promise Land was in India.


Beth-peor - translated as house or place that opens. Previously the Jhelum River of Kashmir was called Behat. Similarly, Bandipur, in Tehsil Sopore Handwara /Kashmir, use to be called Behatpoor. It is "the place of gaping or opening." From this place the Kashmir valley opens out; the river Jhelum passes into the Wullar Lake. It certainly appears that Beth-peor is really Behatpoor /Bandipur.

Heshbon - means pools, or streams in valley's. IInteerestingly enough, approximately twelve miles south-west of Behatpoor/Bandipur, Kashmir is a village called Hashba, well-known for pools of fish. A nearby area called Auth Wattu (meaning the 8 ways) -- Maqam-i-Musa -- is reputed as the "Pplace of Moses."

Pisgah - Approx 3 mi. NE of Hashba. Generic or bassic name for a mountain range called Abarim. (Deu 32.49).

Mount Nebo/Baal Nabu - meaning lofty place, the single-peaked Mount Abarim, thus Mount Abarim. It is near Bethpeor, Kashmir (approx. 8 mi NW of it). Mount Abarim is said to be the same as Pisgah of Kashmir. And the samadhi of Moses can be found at Mount Nebo, Kashmir.

So many different places, though with similar names, all closely correlating with the land of Kashmir. What a coincidence! Coincidence? I doubt it. :-)

Nor is Palestine a good fit regarding the description of the Promised Land. Deuteronomy, 4: 41 - towards the sun-rising, Deuteronomy, 11:11 - a land of hills and valleys that drinketh water of the rain of heaven, Deuteronomy, 11:14 - rains shall fall in this land in due season, Deuteronomy, 4:49 - land will extend even up to the sea of the plain, under the springs of Pisgah, Deuteronomy, 11:21 - "heaven on earth." -- This does not sound like the desert or climate of Palestine, but it clearly fits the climate of Kashmir, India.

Add to that, the prophecy of Isaiah who foretold that after suffering captivity, the Children of Israel should go to a land of beautiful streams and springs, and it would be theirs -- He did not foretell that they would go to some dry, desert-like place. Considering the Lost Ten Tribes never returned to Palestine, Isaiah could not have been referring to that as the Holy Land. Whereas, it appears he was referring to had Kashmir, as it is a very good description of the land of Kashmir. Irrigation is from natural sources in Kashmir, springs or streams, with its many valleys. Incidentally, Baal, in the language of Kashmiri means "a spring." And it turned out that Kashmir India was the place where the Lost Tribes went, and stayed, and are.

There is actually much more evidence I could include here to prove Kashmir India was the originally intended Promised Land all along, but time and writing space limit me. Nor is it the full topic of this web page. Eventually I may return to add more. However, one very significant point can be added, and that is science. Not as the final or most important proof, simply as additional.

JEWISH DNA IN INDIA? Let us stop for a moment to look at this. New findings revealed that there is something very specific about Jewish DNA, therefore testing can reveal if there has been any connection to Jewish ancestry. A technique is used which examines the Y-chromosome. This chromosome is only passed from father to son. What is quite unique is that most of the strand doesn’t exchange DNA with a partner chromosome. And it is stacked in a specific order to that of previous Jewish ancestors. I am no scientists, but this is sound. Testing was performed on the Bene Israel Jews of Alibag India, which gave significant validation to stories by the India/n's that Jews traveled to, and settled down in, Kashmir India.

Here is yet something which may be of further interest, which predates Christ but may help us to understand. Long ago two floods destroyed the Indus civilization (in India), and blame was put upon artisans, farmers and those who lived in the city - all known as the Yadava's or Yadu's. Thus, they ran from their homeland country, scattering themselves to the Middle East and elsewhere. In time they became known as the "Jew's." Of course, alterations from the original spiritual teachings began to appear, where it eventually became an entirely different doctrine. Thus, Krishna sent Jesus to return them to their homeland.

On his way to Kashmir, Christ walked through a valley known as "Yusmarg," or "the Meadow of Jesus." This area was populated by the Yadu race- thus descendents of the ten lots tribes of Israel. They supported themselves by herds and flocks. A nearby ancient route was used by merchants between Afghanistan and Kashmir for trade. Next, moving East, Jesus stopped to rest in an area now called "Aishmuqan" the "Resting Place of Isa" (Aish=Isa, muqan=resting place). As time went on and the era progressed, Aishmuqan has become Mohammedan.

Regarding the Yadu connection, we need to hear what Prabhupada has to say about it:

"Because there is some similarity of the word Jew and Yadu so some historian or scholar, so called, created this notion. I have read it also in some paper. But even it is true, we have nothing to do with it. Lord Krishna killed his own dynasty under His personal supervision. So certainly Krishna didn't like the idea that future dynasties would be able to identify having Krishna's blood. Krishna has no material blood; neither He is different from His body. The example is given that Malayan sandalwood is famous as grown in Malaya but the fact is that sandalwood can grow anywhere. Nowadays in Malaya there are only rubber trees but still in the market the sandalwood is known as Malayan sandalwood. Similarly a family may become famous for Krishna taking birth in that family but Krishna is independent and can appear anywhere and everywhere, where His devotees are. ~ Letter to Nayanabhirama, London, Aug 22, 71"

One the one hand, some who are of Jewish heritage may like to see a connection to Krishna, and so I present it. On the other, we understand the pure Yadu dynasty was returned to Godhead. The more recent Yadu's were selling animals. While we can't say for certain it was for slaughter, not many folks bought pet birds back then. Thus we see this is not the same Divine Dynasy, because Krishna took them with Him and out of this material world. It is good to take it up a notch and realize we are not our bodies but spirit soul, therefore everyone is connected to Krishna anyhow. So here Prabhupada is giving us the highest knowledge, that even if Yadu and Jew have what may appear to be some blood connection, it does not extend to Krishna, as He does not have material blood. Only soul connection is what anyone can have with the Lord. Genealogy has been mentioned here simply to give an idea how people of various heritages got to where they are currently residing for the sole purpose of revealing how Jesus Christ, satktyavesa avatar, ended up in India, preached there, and has his samadhi there. However, God has no favorites. Simply when there is a need, Krishna loves all His children equally and therefore either descends Himself or sends a bona fide representative to save them. This can be seen by the many saints, pure devotees and incarnations of God in various (bona fide) religions, to ultimately bring them back to Him.

So getting back on course, step number one: After God had Jesus return the children of Israel to a land more favorable to "detailed" knowledge of Who He is, then Christ could, slowly, patiently, elevate them in this way. For students of Bhagavad-gita we have learned that long ago all land was originally connected as one, called Bharata-varsa or India. Initially, we were all from the Holy Land. In time, for various reasons, it broke apart and separated. Sound strange? Ever notice how the world map looks like it would fit together like a puzzle? That's because it does. Anyway, we were all once devotees of Krishna and have just forgotten our eternal nature due to being covered over by maya (material energy) for a very long time.

One of the most impressive document I found, because it reveals Christ's secret spiritual understandings ("I have yet many things to say unto you, but you can not bear them now" John 16:12), his specific plan for his disciples gradual enlightenment, as well as his personal belief of how God is to be worshipped, would be the Bhavisya Purana of India. It is written in the most ancient language on the planet, Sanskrit. Many say it is the original language as well as the one spoken in the spiritual world.


As you can see by now, there are many lands and many scriptures that give reference to Lord Jesus Christ, one of which is India. The ancient Purana's, the section called the Bhavisya (pronounced Bhavishya) Purana, mentions that Jesus was there (India).

First I would like to point out concerns I heard regarding human beings tampering with this particular Purana. First, I sadly say that I would not put it past some to do so. However, whenever I have read various modified scripture, it almost always has to do with changing the teachings to please some person or persons, either in the church or government (such as the Bible), and not about names or dates.

India respects other religions and pure devotees from any path, so it is even more unlikely tampering would be about about people they do not consider their primary saint, or who was there, or how they lived, etc., because this simply goes against their personal belief system, one of mutual religious respect. Particularly the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, since most India/n's revere him anyway.

To have a problem with saints and great souls from other religions is more of a Western difficulty, often perceiving Eastern, or any other path, teachers, guru's, saints, etc., a threat to fundamental Christian beliefs. However, even when the British tried to overtake India as well as convert the people of India to Christianity, though the majority of Hindu's did not convert, most added a picture of Lord Jesus on their home altars. :-)

Ultimately it would not matter if one were to choose to disbelieve the Bhavisya Purana as accurate in this regard, since there is plenty of other documented evidence proving that, not only did Jesus travel many lands which are not recorded within the Bible, but he settled down and lived in India and continuing his preaching there. Further evidence was mentioned about his worship of Lord Jagannatha/Krishna in the Jagannatha Puri temple, India (letter from devotee on web page pt.2, etc.) what to speak of much information under the title, "Documents Of Christ In India," above.

With that said, here is what has been found of Jesus Christ within the ancient scripture known as Bhavisya Purana. Most don't know Sanskrit so don't worry, just skip it and scroll down to the English. I simply included the Sanskrit to show this is ancient text. For those who know even a little, I've indicated a few words to help catch your eye.

[Shalivahan, ruler over the Aryans, grandson of Vikramaditya, occupied the throne of his father. He vanquished the attacking hordes of Chinese, Parthians, Scythians and Bactrians. He drew a border between the Arians and the Mleacha (meat eaters), and ordered the latter to withdraw to the other side of India.]

ekadaa tu shakadhisho
himatungari samaayayau
hunadeshasya madhye vai
giristhan purusam shubhano
dadarsha balaram raajaa
"One day, Shalivahan, the chief of the Sakyas, went into the Himalayas. There, in the middle of the Land of the Hun, the powerful king saw an auspicious man who was situated on a mountain. His complexion was fair and he wore white garments."
[NOTE: Hun is Hunadesh, near Manasa / Kailash Mountain in W. Tibet; also known as Lasadakh, part of the Kushan empire.]

ko bharam niti tam praaha
su hovacha mudanvitah
iishaa purtagm maam viddhi
kumaarigarbha sambhavam

"The king asked, 'Who are you sir?' 'You should know that I am Isha Putra, a Son of God,' he replied blissfully, 'and am born of a virgin.'

[NOTE: Jesus refers to himself as "a" son of God or one of many; not "the" son of God or the only one God could ever create.]

mleccha dharmasya vaktaram
satyavata paraayanam
iti srutva nrpa praaha
dharmah ko bhavato matah

"I am the expounder of the religion of the Mlecchas (meat-eaters) and I strictly adhere to the Absolute Truth.' Hearing this the king enquired, 'What are religious principles according to your opinion?'

shruto vaaca maharaja
prapte satyasya amkshaye
nirmaaryaade mlechadesh
mahiso 'ham samaagatah

"Hearing this questions of Salivahara, Isha putra said, 'O king, I came from a foreign land where there are no rules or regulations and and evil knows no bounds. When the destruction of truth occurred, I, Masiha the prophet, came to the country of degraded people. Through me the sinners and delinquents suffered, and I also suffered at their hands. Finding that fearful irreligious condition of the barbarians spreading from Mleccha-Desha, I have taken to prophethood'.

mlecchasa sthaapito dharmo
mayaa tacchrnu bhuupate
maanasam nirmalam krtva
malam dehe subhaasbham

naiganam apamasthaya
japeta nirmalam param
nyayena satyavacasaa
manasyai kena manavah

dhyayena pujayedisham
acaloyam prabhuh sakshat-
athaa suuryacalah sada

"'Please hear O king which religious principles I have established among the mlecchas. The living entity is subject to good and bad contaminations. The mind should be purified and the body by taking recourse of proper conduct and performance of japa, chant the holy names to attain the highest purity. Just as the immovable sun attracts, from all directions, the elements of all living beings, God as firm as the sun, Who is fixed and all-attractive, attracts the hearts of all living creatures. Thus by following rules, speaking truthful words, justice, mental harmony, unity of spirit and meditation, O descendant of Manu, in the center of that light one will find their way to Isa, and should serve and worship Him as that immoveable Lord'."

[NOTE: Christ again uses the word "Isa" here. Whether it is spelled Issa or Isa, it is the same. We should notice he first makes a distinction between that of Isa (God), and the Isa-Masih or one who came to preach about God. As mentioned on my other web pages below, Isa is a name for Krishna that means the "Supreme Being" or "Supreme God." However, Isa das and Isa-Messiah both denote "servant" of God. Different language, same meaning.

isha muurtirt-dradi praptaa
nityashuddha sivamkari
ishamasihah iti ca
mama nama pratishthitam

"Having placed the eternally pure, auspicious form of Isa, the Supreme Lord and giver of happiness, forever within my heart, O protector of the earth planet, I preached these principles through the Mlecchas' own faith, and thus my name became the Isa-Masih.'

[NOTE: Christ refers to the "Form" (murti) of God as Isa, so it again indicates Jesus believed in Deity worship, most likely as long as such worship was performed by sincere, honest, qualified priests/brahmana's.]

iti shrutra sa bhuupale
natraa tam mlecchapujaam
sthaapayaamaasa tam tutra
mlecchasthaane hi daarune

"After hearing these words and paying obeisances to that person who is worshipped by the mlecca's, the king humbly requested him to stay there in that most miserable land of Mlecchas."

svaraajyam praaptavaan raajaa
hayamedhan cikirat
rajyam krtva sa sasthyabdam
svarga lokamu paayayau

"King Salivahara, after leaving his kingdom performed an asvamedha yajna and after ruling for sixty years, went to heaven. Now please hear what happened when the king went to svargaloka."
(Bhavishya Purana 19:20-33.)

Thus ends the second chapter entitled, "The Age Of Salivahara" of the story of Kali Yuga of the Caturyuga Khanda also called pratisarga-parva of the wonderful Bhavishya Maha Purana, 3191 Kaukikia Era or 115 A.D, ~ Srila Vyasa dev - literary incarnation of Lord Krishna.

The question often arises, "If Jesus was pure, why did he put so much attention on healing the material body or even on 'material' truth or 'material' justice, etc?" To this, the answer is above in Christ's own words, but to sum it up: it was a step by step process.

First he taught them to be clean in body which next lead to soul. Then there were different rules, like thou shalt not kill and the other commandments, keeping them on the human being platform (as the 4 regulative principles by Srila Prabhupada are to keep us on the human being level). Next, Jesus taught them prayer/japa and to think often of God or meditation. If all this was followed, his disciples could eventually understand the concept of God as light (the impersonal brahmajyoti). From there, they would find "in the center" of that light: Isa/ Krishna. (Reminds me of the story of the Four Kumaras who were impersonalists but it lead them to ultimately discovered the higher Personal form of Krishna.) Then Christ's disciples would finally be able to Isa , both in the heart (as Paramatma) and through the all attractive Deity (form) "Isa" or Lord Shri Krishna, where they would find happiness that never leaves but stays within forever, thus spiritual happiness. Therefore, through his process, Christ's disciples could become elevated from material status of sudras to the highest transcendental position of Vaisnava!

Christ_Krsna.jpg - 23174 Bytes


Now that some may have found it true that Christ lived, they may even be jubilant over it! That's wonderful. However, it's been over 2,000 years and we all know he left. Wouldn't it be interesting to hear of the transcendental way he did so? With that said, I offer this:

Summerized from the book, "Kamal-ud-Din vas Tman-un-Ni'mat fi Asbat-ul-Din" (pp. 357-8), Muslim research about the life and passing Yuz Asaf (Isa thus Jesus) in Kashmir India, gives a few details how Christ really passed over.

Jesus knew he was leaving, as he sent for his disciple Thomas (Ba 'bat) when he felt death approaching. Jesus expressed his last wish was that his work would be continued, and that a tomb (samadhi?!) should be raised over him at the exact spot where he expired. Thomas did as he asked. Jesus was buried with his feet pointing West, and his head to the East.

There are a couple of important points here. One is that the average person, in most cases, do not know when they shall die. Whereas great saints, yogi's, satyktyavesa avatara's and various types of pure devotees most certainly do! Jesus, as son of God, was able to prepare because of his exalted spiritual position allowed him that special awareness.

Next, Jesus prepared to leave in the direction many yogi's and great saints, but especially pure devotees of India prepare to leave. That is, they make sure their head is facing East.

The guru/spiritual teacher who is about to depart, then instruct their disciples to place a Samadhi over them. Not that they are carried away into some dingy cave but instead, the Samadhi is to be over the exact spot they depart from this material world. The reason? Mercy. They know it becomes a Holy place and that people in the future can go there and STILL benefit from them! In this way they can continue to save souls.

That Jesus also did these many things, impressed me.

The author of this book, whose name I wanted to make sure to include but being long, thought it best to put it here for those who are not familiar with the language, myself included. Al-Shaikh-us-Sadiq Abi Ja'far Muhammad ibn'Ali ibn Hasain ibn Musa ibn Baibuyah al-Qummi. He was a great oriental historian and writer also know as Shaikh Al-Sa'id-us. He realized the journey's of Yuz Asaf (Jesus) and made sure to put them onto paper, first publishing -1882.

By the way, Jesus lived to 100 plus years of age, and his passing was of natural causes.

"Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Mary is the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energy Radharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can be considered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrellings." Srila Prabhupada Letter to Sivananda das, NY April 19, 1968

"There are many examples in history of devotees of the Lord who risked their lives for the spreading of God Consciousness. The favorite example is Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified by the nondevotees but he sacrificed his life for spreading God Consciousness. Of course, it would be superficial to understand that he was killed." Srila Prabhupada, B. Gita 11:55

"When great yogis are in samadhi, even when their bodies are buried and their skin, marrow, blood and so on have all been eaten, if only their bones remain they can exist in a transcendental position. Very recently an archaeologist published findings indicating that Lord Christ, after being buried, was exhumed and that he then went to Kashmir. There have been many actual examples of yogis' being buried in trance and exhumed alive and in good condition several hours later. A yogi can keep himself alive in a transcendental state even if buried not only for many days but for many years." Srimad Bhagavatam, 7.3.18 P

Devotee: Prabhupäda? Does Lord Jesus Christ appear in the spiritual sky with the body he manifested on the earth?

Prabhupäda: Yes. Otherwise how there can be resurrection? Ordinary body cannot be resurrected. He appeared in his spiritual body, certainly. Jesus Christ told, if I remember, that “Lord, excuse these persons,” who were crucifying him. Is it not? He knew that “These rascals, they are killing me, but... They are offending certainly. So they do not know that I cannot be killed, but they are thinking that they are killing.” You see? But that was offensive, therefore he begged Lord to be excused because God cannot excuse to the offenders of the devotee. He can excuse one who is offender to God, but if somebody is offender to the devotee, God never excuses. Therefore he prayed for them. That is devotee’s qualification. He prays for everyone, even of his enemy. And he could not be killed. That he knew. But those rascals, they thought they were killing Jesus Christ.

That’s all. All right. If there is no question, chant Hare Krsna. (end) Bg lecture 4.1-6 LA 1-3-69

"It is said that Lord Jesus Christ, when twelve years old, was shocked to see the Jews sacrificing birds and animals in the synagogues and that he therefore rejected the Jewish system of religion and started the religious system of Christianity, adhering to the Old Testament commandment "Thou shalt not kill." ~ Srimad Bhagavatam, 7.15.10 P

"And then there is saktyavesa-avatara. Saktyavesa-avatara, they are counted just like Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ. They are counted amongst the saktyavesavataras. They are also incarnation of saktyavesavatara, powerful." Srila Prabhupada lecture, CC Madhya 20.172, NY Dec 14, 1966

Prabhupäda: Body of Christ is not ordinary body. That is spiritual body. Krsna, as Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gétä, yadä yadä hi dharmasya glänir bhavati bhärata [Bg. 4.7], pariträëäya sädhünäà vinäçäya ca duñkåtäm, dharma-saàsthäpanärthäya yuge yuge sambhavämi ätma-mäyayä [Bg. 4.8]. So this is a very subtle point. One has to understand that when God comes or God’s son comes or God’s representative comes, they do not accept a body like us. They have their spiritual body. SB lecture 7.6.1 June 10,68

Rukmini: Is there a Christ-loka?
Prabhupada: Yes. Why not? There are innumerable lokas. Why not Christ-loka? (break)

kotisv asesa-vasudhadi-vibhuti-bhinnam
tad brahma niskalam anantam asesa-bhutam
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami
In the effulgence, bodily effulgence of Govinda, just like the sunshine is effulgence of the sun planet, similarly, Govinda's planet, the original planet, which is called Goloka Vrndavana, that is the original effulgence, light. And when that light is distributed there are innumerable universes created. Just like within the sunlight there are innumerable planets. So in each and every planet there are different kinds of living entities, so why not a planet belonging to Christ? There is no doubt about it. There must be. (break) The Fifth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the description of different planets are there. (break) Question?" S.B. 7.9. 12-13, Montreal Canada, Aug 20,68

Revatinandana: I have a question. One of my prabhus told me that you once said that your Guru Maharaja said that Jesus Christ was a saktyavesavatara. Is that correct?
Prabhupada: Yes. Because he said it, it must be correct. Muhammad also, saktyavesavatara."
~ SP, SB 6.127-34, Lecture, Suat, Dec., 17, 1970

"So do not think that the Hindus, they have got disregard for Lord Buddha or for Lord Jesus Christ. No. They have all regard. Anyone who comes as representative of God, or as God, as powerful incarnation, they are all welcome. According to time, according to place, according to the audience, they may speak, speak something which is, which may be different from the Vedic conclusion, but they are accepted as powerful incarnations." ~ Srila Prabhupada lecture Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhy lila 20.154-157, NY, Dec 7, 1977

".... Mohammed identified himself as a servant of the Supreme Lord. Thus whenever there is a discrepancy in our constitutional position, the Supreme Lord either comes Himself or sends His representative to inform us of the real position of the living entity. ~ Srila Prabhupada, On The Way To Krishna, Chapter 2

"In another place the gentleman quotes one book written by Prof. Charles Smith. The book's name is ``The Paradox of Jesus in the Gospels''. In this book it is admitted that all the statements in the Bible are not directly spoken by Jesus. Some of them are staged through the mouth of Jesus Christ; and specifically this passage: ``I am the way, the Truth and the light. No man comes unto the Father but by me.'' This gentleman admits that it is put into the mouth of Jesus because that is the literary convention of the author of the 4th Gospel. Such kinds of observations definitely suggests that there are many passages in the Gospel which are later on set up to be spoken by Lord Jesus Christ, but actually they were manufactured by different devotees. So far as our Bhagavad-gita is concerned, we do not find any such thing. Everywhere it is stated sri bhagavan uvaca: the Supreme Personality of Godhead said. And all the acaryas have accepted these words as they are spoken by the Lord. No authorized acharya has ever commented that it was put into the mouth of Krishna by Vyasadeva or Sanjaya or any other person." ~ Srila Prabhupada Letter to Satsvarupa -- Tittenhurst House, England 31 October, 1969

A devotee of Lord Jesus Christ is one who is strictly following the ten commandments. Now just like in the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" this is a moral instruction for the sinful man. Similarly Lord Buddha also emphasized ahimsa paramadharma "the highest religion is nonviolence." So these instructions are for the sinful men. When one is pious, instead of being sinful, he is promoted to the higher planetary systems like Janaloka, Mahaloka, or Tapaloka and they are above the planet Svargaloka. So persons who are cleansed of sinful life become eligible for spiritual life. From the instructions of Lord Jesus Christ we find that the stress is given to make men free from sinful life--such as "Thou shalt not kill" "Thou shalt not covet"--like that. Therefore the conclusion is that the devotees of Lord Jesus Christ are promoted to the heavenly planets which are within this material world." SP letter to Bhagavan, March 2, 1970

Revatinandana: "The ten offenses to avoid in chanting the maha-mantra. The first is blaspheming the Lord's devotee." Just read them?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Revatinandana: "Second, considering the Lord and other demigods on the same level."
Prabhupada: This is very important point, blaspheming the devotees. The Lord's devotee, in many countries, many places... Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he's also devotee of Lord. Muhammad, he's also devotee of Lord. So it is not that because we are Krsna conscious, we shall unnecessarily decry any other parts, any other devotee. It may be, according to time, place, and country, the method may be different, but anyone who is preaching devotion to God, he's a devotee of God. So he should never be blasphemed. Yes."
~ Srila Prabhupada Talk, Initiation Lecture and Ten offenses Lecture, LA, Ca., Dec 1, 1968

"To get out of this miserable condition, Sukadeva says, here it is, says, karunaya aha. Karunaya means "out of compassion." People are suffering. This is Vaisnava. Vaisnava takes so much trouble to speak to the rascals and dulls about God consciousness. Why? Out of compassion. They are very compassionate. "Oh, so many people are suffering for want of knowledge. Let me try to give them some knowledge." Karunaya. This is Vaisnava's qualification. He is very kind. Titiksavah karunikah. Titiksavah karunikah. Just like Lord Jesus Christ. He was being crucified. Still, he was saying, "My father, they do not know what they are doing." Is it not? He is so much compassionate that "These rascals do not know what they are doing, rascals. Still, I request You to forgive them." This is Vaisnava. Personally he is suffering, but he is still compassionate. There was an article recently, that Jesus Christ, although he was crucified, he did not die. Yes. He went to Kashmir. Some historical references are there. So actually, when he was representative of God, son of God, how these rascals could kill him? It was a show only."
~ Srila Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.3, Rome Italy, May 27, 74

"The Vedic civilization is... Therefore India was open to everyone: "Come on. Come here." Therefore they entered as friend, and they conquered. Because India was open. "Yes, you are guest. Come on. You learn here." Lord Jesus Christ also went there to learn.
~ Srila Prabhupada lecture, Srimad Bhagavatam 2.9.14, Melbourne, April 13, 72

There are many examples in history of devotees of the Lord risking their lives for the spreading of God consciousness. The favorite example is Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified by the nondevotees, but he sacrificed his life for spreading God consciousness. Of course, it would be superficial to understand that he was killed. Similarly, in India also there are many examples, such as Thakura Haridasa. Why such risk? Because they wanted to spread Krsna consciousness, and it is difficult. A Krsna conscious person knows that if a man is suffering, it is due to his forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with Krsna. Therefore, the highest benefit one can render to human society is relieving one's neighbor from all material problems. In such a way, a pure devotee is engaged in the service of the Lord. Now, we can imagine how merciful Krsna is to those engaged in His service, risking everything for Him. Therefore it is certain that such persons must reach the supreme planet after leaving the body." BG 11.55 P

"It is a fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is present by His words. Krsna is also present by His words.

These personalities, either God or the son of God, who come from the transcendental world, keep their transcendental identities without being contaminated by the material world. That is their omnipotence. We are in the habit of saying that God is omnipotent. Omnipotence means that He is not different from His name, from His quality, from His pastimes, from His instruction. Therefore, the discussion of Bhagavad-gita is as good as discussion with Krsna Himself."
~ From Srila Prabhupada's 'Krishna the Resevoir of Pleasure'

"The sages of old age discovered it by spiritual culture that man's energy should be utilized only for spiritual realization. Not to speak of Lord Sri Krishna who spoke the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita near about 5000 years ago, we know that within 2000 years of human history no sages including Jesus Christ, prophet Mohammed, Lord Buddha, Acarya Sankara, Madhya, Ramanuja or even Lord Caitanya gave any importance to materialistic way of living. Material necessities were always subordinate to the spiritual realization."
~ Srila Prabhupada letter to Jawaharlar Nehru, Allahabad, Jan 20, 1952

"Prabhupada: The Lord says that the purpose of all Vedic instruction is to achieve the highest goal of life, back to Godhead. Any scripture of any country, not only of this Bhagavad-gita, but any scripture, they are aiming simply how to get us back to Godhead. That is the purpose. Take for any ex... Take for example any of the great religious reformers or acaryas of any country. In your country, Lord Jesus Christ or Lord Buddha. Of course, Lord Buddha, he advented himself in India, but later on his philosophy was broadcast all over Asia. Then Lord Krsna, or Hazrat Muhammad -- anyone take. Nobody will say that "You make your best plan in this material world and live peacefully. That is a common factor. There may be little difference according to country, climate and situation in the scriptural injunction, but the main principle--that we are not meant for this material world, we have our destination in the spiritual world--that is accepted by everyone." ~ Srila Prabhupada Lecture, BG 8.28-9.2, New York, Nov 21, 1966

"So prasanta. Prasanta vimanyavah. Without any anger. Vimanyavah. Suhrdah. These are the examples. Just see. Suhrdah. Su-hrda means one who is actually wanting your welfare. That is called suhrt. Just like father, mother. In spite of so many faults on the part of the son, still they are willing always, "How my sons will be happy." These are the examples of suhrdah. He's not ordinary friend. Ordinary friend, that is reciprocation: "If you do me, then I shall do to you. Otherwise not." But suhrdah means the other side does not do anything benefit, but one side is always willing. That is called suhrdah. Similarly, a mahatma, he is not well received. He is criticized, insulted, sometimes injured. Still, he wants Just like Lord Jesus Christ. He was so badly treated and still he was thinking, "Father, they do not know what they are doing. Please excuse." This is suhrdah. He is praying to God This is sadhu, mahatma. Suhrdah prasanta. Not that... In India there are examples like Haridasa Thakura, Prahlada Maharaja. And the Western countries also, Lord Jesus Christ, he is saktyavesa-avatara, God's son. And he tolerated so much. These are the examples of mahatma." ~ Srila Prabhupada lecture Srimad Bhagavatam 5.5.3, Vrndavana India, Oct 25, 76

"Lord Buddha had to introduce the religion of nonviolence by contradicting the Vedic sacrificial instructions. Actually, in the sacrifices the slaughtered animals were given a new life, but people without such powers were taking advantage of such Vedic rituals and unnecessarily killing poor animals. Therefore Lord Buddha had to deny the authority of the Vedas for the time being. One should not perform sacrifices that will induce reversed orders. It is better to stop such sacrifices." ~ S.B. 4. 19 36 Purport

"At a certain stage of human civilization when such material activities in the name of religion (as sacrificing animals in the name of yajna) were too much rampant, the Lord incarnated Himself as Buddha and decried the authority of the Vedas in order to stop animal sacrifice in the name of religion." SB 1.5.14 P

Prabhupada: "...So anyone who is speaking about God with authority--take for example Jesus Christ; he is speaking in the western world--you accept him. We Indians, we accept Caitanya or Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya. That is the way. That is the way because these acaryas, these authorities, they are speaking about God. None of them speaking that "You become happy here," no, none of them. Either Christ or Caitanya or Mohammed, nobody has said. So according to the time, circumstances, position, either you follow any one of them as it suits you or, if you can make a comparative study, you follow the best one. So therefore, our conclusion is Krsna is the best. He is God. Christ is son of God. So we don't differ son of God and God. That is all right. But when the father is speaking personally, he is speaking what the son has spoken plus something because he is more experienced. So take the father and follow him. That's all. Mohammed says he is servant of God. Christ says he is son of God. And Krsna says, "I am God." So where is the difference? The son will say the same thing, the servant will say the same thing, and the father also will say the same thing. So theology means to know God and abide by His order. That is my understanding. And theology does not mean to make research who is God. That is theosophy. So if you are theologicians, then you must know what is God and abide by His order. What do you think, Dr. Judah?

Doctor Judah? Pardon?

Prabhupada: What do you think this proposition?

Dr. Judah: Yes, well, I think you're quite right. I think that it is... Certainly, in our day and age many of us don't really know God.

Prabhupada: Then he is not theologician. He is theosophist.

Dr. Judah: We know about God, but we do not know God. I would agree."
~ S.P. Garden Conversations with Professors, Chairman of the Religion Dept. of U.S.C., and Dr. Stillson Judah, and others - June 24, 1975, LA., Ca

(A devotee writes Srila Prabhupada and inquires the following.)

Question fourth: What Lord Jesus Christ says, that is the destination of his devotees. What Lord Jesus Christ says I do not know. If there is no description of the Kingdom of God, then we give that--cintamani prakara sadamasu . . . etc.

Question the fifth: If Mohammed as the servant of God and Lord Jesus Christ is the son of God, then where is the break of the disciplic succession. After all the disciplic succession is beginning from God, so how do you find that there is no disciplic succession? If the original tree has branches, twigs and leaves and they are in touch with the original tree, it is alright. The test is whether the line is in touch with the Supreme--that is all.

(Srila Prabhupada replies)
"Although Mohammed and Jesus Christ appeared in the Kali Yuga their instruction is as it is because the persons to whom they had to speak could not understand any more and they find it difficult to understand even that much." ~ SP Letter to Vrndavana Chandra, LA, CA., July 19, 1970

Prof. Regamay: But I am struck that, for instance, for us in the West the idea of personal God is strongly rooted in our consciousness.

Prabhupada: Yes. Lord Jesus Christ, he was Vaisnava. He directly gave you the idea of personal God. The personal God is the origin. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate. The... Just like, the same example: the sun god, the sun planet and sunshine, they are one. They are not different. But still, this is impersonal, that is localized, and within the sun globe, there is the sun god. So sun god is the origin of this light. Similarly, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is the origin of everything. Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam. That's the fact. But people with poor fund of knowledge they cannot understand it. Therefore stop... (break) ...light, that's all. So much. Just like Lord Buddha. He did not explain anything about God. He said, "Just obey me and stop this animal killing." Therefore this much sufficient for him, that's all. The lower class students, one plus two equal to three, two plus two..., that much mathematics, not higher mathematics. Higher mathematics is not possible to understand."
SP Room Conversations w/Prof. Regamay, Prof of Sanskrit at U. of Lausanne, June 4, 74, Geneva

Jesus: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now." John 16:12


As devotees of Krishna, like anyone else, we want Jesus on our side. :) Whether our backgrounds were Christian or Jewish, or for that matter Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, or others, we want Jesus to be a Vaisnava too. I am no exception. Nevertheless, we also have to go by the facts. From everything I have read and studied thus far, I have no doubt that he was indeed a Vaisnava. (Even the Shroud has tilaka. See web page 1.)

I also believe he had a specific mission from Krishna to save the Jewish people and "gradually" elevate them. Jesus WAS, after all, the Messiah. Thus, he had to perform the duties that fulfilled the prophecies of the Messiah. He was to save the Jewish people or the children of Israel. (Though he would save anyone.) He also was to worship Krishna quietly within his heart, and later Lord Jagannatha in India.

Jesus was both: Messiah and Vaisnava.

One might say, he was a 'closet' Hare Krishna devotee. :-)

(Though it appears he revealed the highest knowledge of Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead to the few who could accept it.)

What is sometimes missed about satktyavesavatar's, or from what I have seen so far, they do "not" appear in this world to preach directly about Krishna. They appear with a very specific mission of Krishna's. For example, Lord Buddha, a satktyavesavatar, was to destroy Holy Scripture due to the people abusing it. Mohammad, a satktyavesavatar, instructed against illicit sex, then elevated people through moral conduct and prayer. Therefore, we shouldn't assume because a satktyavesavatar did not speak directly of Krishna, that they were unaware He is God. Some readers may feel they'll never know cent per cent. That is all right, though so much evidence reveals that these great souls knew within their heart. Anyway, we can know the satktyavesavatar is on a very specific mission by Krishna of gradual elevation because that is what was needed.

Regarding Christ, a satktyavesavatar, his mission was that of the Messiah and savior of the Jews. He was to stop the sales of animals in the temples and meat eating of the people (as well as also giving instructions on illicit sex), then to give higher knowledge, to deliver them to Holy Land of India, until gradually they might be fortunate enough to open up and hear exactly Who God Is: Lord Sri Krishna.

This may explain to many why it is, when we read what he preached in many countries, various religions, his actual words, it's basically the same thing and you do not see him preach directly about Krishna. This is not because he did not believe in Krishna as God, but because the people were not advanced enough. Remember, some tried to kill him for the little bit he did tell them! Nor is that limited to the crucifixion. Others attempted it prior to that in various countries. Imagine telling them, "God is blue and plays a flute." Too dangerous! For him *and* for them (their soul). Besides, he had to round up ten missing tribes and keep them from falling deeper into maya.

With that said, the Vedas also use a similar process of gradual elevation. It is not that all Vedic literatures are on the same level, but each are stepping stones to the next one in order to gradually raise the people to the highest knowledge of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam (etc.), which finally reveals the most confidential knowledge of Who God is: Lord Sri Krishna. Thus the Vedas utilize various purifitory methods, starting with cleansing of the body, next controlling the senses including the mind, then the soul (through philosophy and prayer or japa), next worship of God as impersonal light, finally understanding God is in the center of that light as a (transcendental) Person and this person is Krishna. Therefore, the Vedas succeed in gradually elevating people in this way. Is this not what Jesus did?!

I (strongly) suspect that in India where people were more open to it and where his disciples followed him, Christ shared with some of them his secret and most confidential teachings of Krishna. (Byzantine paintings show tilaka on the forehead of some of his disciples and followers.) However, this rare knowledge was only for the chosen ones. Not chosen for prejudicial reasons at all. Remember, Jesus was strongly against any caste system! They were chosen not because they were Jewish, but because they made enough spiritual advancement by following his gradual process to next hear about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna.

Jesus traveled to many countries, preached at many churches, temples, mosques, or under a tree. Regardless of where he went, his message was always the same: Chant the Name of God, sing the glories of God, say prayers in God's Name. Those who were ready, he could tell more. If he chose, he could bring them along with him to the Promised Land of Kashmir India. There he was better facilitated teach those who were open and ready to hear about worshipping the "image of Isa," thus finding eternal happiness within their heart. And this appears to have been his preference and goal.

"These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs; but the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall show you of the Father." John 16:25

"Having placed the eternally pure, blissful form of Isa, the Supreme Lord and giver of happiness, forever within my heart, O protector of the earth planet, I preached these principles through the Mlecchas' own faith, and thus my name became the Isa-Masih.' (Bhavisya Purana 19:31.)

For those who could not handle the knowledge of Deity worship or God as a (transcendental) Person, Christ did not agitate their mind or their spirit. Now, if they were worshiping trees or even demi-gods, he would chastise them. However, as long as they were worshiping One Supreme God in a personal fashion, therefore understanding God is unlimited and can have unlimited Names, Jesus instructed them to chant the Name of God they were most accustomed to or most comfortable with. Just chant! :-)

Hare Krishna! :-) And Be Happy.

Thank you for your time. ~ Your Servant, Priitaa d.d. SENIOR DEVOTEE GODSISTERS who joined the Hare Krishna Movement prior to Nov 77 (including congregational) ... please come together & join this e-group. Why? Because it's sane, helpful, warm & fuzzy :-) so a soft place to fall for those of us who have been thru a lot, yet hold the belief that Prabhupada's real teachings hold different / better ways of living. Tired of no association or something else similar? Put an end to it! Reach out & we'll reach back. No politics, just friends & fun. Read our front page & see if we're for you. (We hope you feel you are!)

NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with e-groups and want to join, email me. I can sign you up! (Only with your permission will I do this though, so feel free to email and ask me to.) ... First please read our groups front page. Click on above link to see and check it out. ~ I invite genuine inquires about this or anything else on my sites. However, abusive fanatics, spammers, smut mail or unsolicited advertising of any sort will be reported or dealt with. (I never buy from spam anyway so don't waste your time or mine.)

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